Join us for the last virtual session learning about Heroes to Hives a program helping veterans and women producers establish beekeeping from Joni Harper, Natural Resources Field Specialist, University of Missouri Extension.  Heroes to Hives is a unique program offered through the Michigan Food & Farming Systems that seeks to address financial and personal wellness of veterans through free professional training and community development centered around beekeeping.  

This session will prepare attendees for the in-person Pearls of Production Conference on November 8.  Introducing “Chick-Chat” (starting at 6:40pm) a 20-minute session as you log on to network and talk to other producers.  

If virtual sessions aren’t your cup of tea, we are also providing “Barn locations” to attend the session from one of seven extension offices.    

This is the fifth and final Pixels of Production Session, leading up to Pearls of Production in November. Virtual sessions will provide additional foundation for the hands-on training available at Pearls of Production.    

Cost: $10

Annual in person, hands-on Pearls of Production Conference is scheduled for November 8 in Columbia, MO.  Back this year, Future Pearls of Production for youth ages 5-12.  

Huge thank you to our partners: 

  • Missouri AgrAbility
  • Mo Beginning Farmers and Ranchers
  • MFA Rural Mental Health Awareness

Questions can be directed to Heather Conrow, Livestock Specialist/State 4-H Animal Science Educator and 2025 Pearls of Production Committee Chair, or 660-248-2272.