Urban Agriculture

The Urban Agriculture program aims to educate producers who use indoor cultivation, or who focus on food and flower production on how to start and scale their businesses. These farm operations may be more likely to locate in or near urban areas to better access customers.

Resources featured on this page include:

  • Farm enterprise budgets to estimate the cost of production of elderberries, microgreens, high tunnel tomatoes, hydroponic leafy greens and more
  • Educational materials for individuals looking to start a farm focused on selling directly to consumers
  • Pricing data and tools to calculate break-even and marketing costs
  • Hands-on events and webinars to learn new farm production and business management skills
Vegetables at a market

View planning budgets for a variety of specialty crops

small agricultural business products

Learn how to capitalize on your small acreage and key considerations for marketing, assets and profitability

Agricultural goods

Seek free technical assistance from the Missouri Agriculture, Food and Forestry Innovation Center

Intel for Ag app on a phone
Intel for Ag

Intel for Ag features six online decision-support tools, which help producers understand the production, marketing and management skills and resources required to start and succeed with certain agricultural enterprises. Explore land suitability, local markets, management capacity, business start-up steps and curated resources for different enterprises.

Specialty Crops Insight Board

computer screen with Insight Board displayed Use this dashboard to explore revenue assumptions for specialty crop products. Refer to the wholesale and retail prices reported by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service to approximate a competitive price for your specialty crop products. When estimating the number of units your farm could produce, review the yield estimates to gauge production potential.


Agricultural site with a field and hills
AgSite Assessment Tool
Generate a free report on your land. Assessments help agriculturalists explore new production alternatives, learn more about land before purchases, and support lending and real estate appraisal activities.

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