Agricultural Business and Policy Extension

The Agricultural Business and Policy Extension program serves rural Missouri by helping farms, agribusinesses and communities understand their opportunities and challenges and to make informed decisions. The team is primarily focused on:

  • Helping farmers and agribusinesses with decision-making, financial management, taxes and risk mitigation;
  • Studying relevant industry and value-added agricultural issues;
  • Sharing how market fundamentals and trade policy may impact agricultural outlook;
  • Assessing diversification and new business opportunities for farms, businesses and commodity groups.

View the 2025 planning budgets.

Learn about various agricultural leases and what they mean to you.

Transitioning a farm is a process. Find resources to help you get started.

Ag Business and Policy faculty coverage

Faculty coverage throughout Missouri counties, regions and on campus.

Find your specialist (PDF)


Seek free technical assistance from the Missouri Agriculture, Food and Forestry Innovation Center.
Brownfield reporter Will Robinson and University of Missouri Market Analyst Ben Brown recap the markets and discuss impacts for farmers.
Feedstuff Finder app on phone
Feedstuff Finder

The go-to platform for buying and selling feed in Missouri.

A new mobile-friendly online platform built for farmers and FREE to use for both sellers and buyers.

Sign up to list feedstuffs for sale, including hay, silage or co-products.

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Sign up the receive Missouri Weekly Commodity Market Update to receive weekly commodity market outlooks for agricultural crops, as well as information on upcoming reports and MU Extension updates.

*Required field

Agricultural site with a field and hills
AgSite Assessment Tool
Generate a free report on your land. Assessments help agriculturalists explore new production alternatives, learn more about land before purchases, and support lending and real estate appraisal activities.

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