with the return of this option. The November 8th in-person session will begin at 9am with registration and light refreshments. Sessions will begin at 10am. Participants can choose one of three topics for each session before coming together for Stop the Bleed.
Session 1 topic options:
- SRP Technology
- Save the Cuss Words: You Got This! 2.0
- Tips for a Successful Calving Season
Session 2 topic options:
- Heroes to Hives
- Genetics for a Better Cow
- Small Ruminant Neonatal Care
During the final session, everyone will come back together for Stop the Bleed.
Stop the Bleed is a nationwide public awareness campaign aimed at empowering bystanders to recognize and effectively manage severe bleeding in emergency situations, by teaching them basic techniques like applying direct pressure, packing wounds, and using tourniquets, with the goal of saving lives before professional medical help arrives.
Back this year is the Future Pearls of Agriculture Conference for children of attendees from ages 5 to 12 in cooperation with the Columbia FFA. With the return of this option, we hope to attract active moms with young kids.
Huge thank you to our partners:
- Missouri AgrAbility
- Mo Beginning Farmers and Ranchers
- MFA Rural Mental Health Awareness
Questions can be directed to Heather Conrow, Livestock Specialist/State 4-H Animal Science Educator and 2025 Pearls of Production Committee Chair, hconrow@missouri.edu or 660-248-2272.
Related programs
- Agricultural Business and Policy Extension
- Annie’s Project
- Beef Extension
- Building Strong Families
- Community Health Engagement and Outreach
- Dairy Extension
- Extension Garden Steward
- Extension Master Gardener
- Forage-Livestock Group
- Forages
- Forest Ecology and Management
- Garden ’n Grow
- Heroes to Hives
- Jefferson Farm and Garden Extension and Education Center
- Master Pollinator Steward
- Mental Health First Aid
- Missouri 4-H
- Missouri AgrAbility
- Missouri Beginning Farmers and Ranchers
- Missouri Blueberry School
- Missouri Master Naturalist
- Mizzou Repro — Reproductive Management of Beef Cattle
- MU Family Impact Center
- MU/MDC Native Grass Extension Project
- Northwest Missouri Horticulture
- NRCS + MU Grasslands Project
- Pasture-Based Dairy
- Pearls of Production
- Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifer Program
- Swine Extension
- Taking Care of You
- Urban Agriculture
- Urban Entomology
- Veterinary Extension and Continuing Education
- Wildlife Ecology and Management