Beekeeping Planning Budget
Use this enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns when beekeeping and producing honey in Missouri.
Hair Shedding Scores: More Than Heat Stress
This MU Extension guide is meant to provide background information on the economic importance of hair shedding scores, introduce the hair shedding scoring system, discuss how to implement hair shedding into a selection program, and promote hair shedding as a management tool.
Management of Sheep and Goats Through Drought
During drought, sheep and goats may have difficulty meeting their nutritional needs, which can lead to weight loss as body reserves are depleted; and most of the animals are predisposed to diseases and some die. It is therefore important to prepare animals for strategies that will help them cope and maintain body condition.
How to Reduce Heat Stress in Dairy Cattle
Heat stress in dairy cattle is one of the top causes of decreased production & fertility. Visit our site to learn How to Reduce Heat Stress in Dairy Cattle.
Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe: 2024, No. 4 (July/August)
A newsletter for those who preserve food at home.
How to Use the Hair Shedding Scale
Hair shedding scores represent a visual appraisal of the extent an animal has shed their winter coat. This MU Extension guide is meant to provide further detail and guidance on hair shed scoring animals.
Lisianthus Planning Budget
Use this enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns for growing lisianthus as a cut flower in Missouri.
Hair Shedding Scores: A Tool to Select Heat Tolerant Cattle
Selecting cattle that can cope with heat stress is important for sustainable beef production. Learn about tools for breeding cattle adapted to heat stress and see a photographic guide to a hair-shedding scoring system in this MU Extension guide.
The Missouri Phosphorus Index
The phosphorus index promotes conservation practices that reduce phosphorus loss from agricultural fields.
Feeding Poultry Litter to Beef Cattle
Poultry litter can be used as a feedstuff, but it presents special consumer issues. Visit our site to learn about Feeding Poultry Litter to Beef Cattle.
Adding Value to Show-Me-Select Replacement Heifers Using Show-Me-Plus
This MU Extension guide serves as a resource for producers interested in participating in Show-Me-Plus, including information on the importance of genomic testing and its ability to identify genetic variability and ultimately potential for profitability.
Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Property
Hummingbirds usually arrive in Missouri to nest from early to mid-April, but that can vary considerably from year to year. If you want to attract them to your property, it helps to understand their biology and behavior, and to implement habitat management practices.
Kids in the Kitchen — Level B
Revised $50
Kids in the Kitchen — Level B encourages 10-12-year-olds to eat healthier meals and snacks as a result of hands-on cooking experiences. Youth participants learn to prepare simple, healthy foods they can make for themselves and their family members.
Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe: 2024, No. 3 (May/June)
A newsletter for those who preserve food at home.
Home Lawn Watering Guide
To avoid severe loss of turfgrass and to conserve water, homeowners should manage their lawns each year in anticipation of water restrictions. This guide describes that will reduce the need for irrigation while improving the competitiveness and appearance of your lawn.
A Taste of Missouri — June — Strawberries
Easy-to-prepare recipes and tips for using strawberries are displayed in this eight-page flier. Additional seasonal recipes, ingredients, tips, and safety measures are also included.
A Taste of Missouri — May — Greens
New $3.25
Easy-to-prepare recipes and tips for using greens are displayed in this eight-page flier. Additional seasonal recipes, ingredients, tips, and safety measures are also included.
Conceptos básicos de enlatado seguro en el hogar
Conserve de forma segura las frutas y verduras frescas, así como la carne, las aves, los mariscos, las sopas y las salsas, mediante el método de enlatado adecuado: agua hirviendo, vapor o presión. Aprenda los conceptos básicos en esta guía.
A Taste of Missouri — April — Asparagus
New $3.25
Easy-to-prepare recipes and tips for using asparagus are displayed in this eight-page flier. Additional seasonal recipes, ingredients, tips, and safety measures are also included.
Strip-Grazing Milo as a Low-Cost Winter Forage
Explore an affordable solution for winter cattle feed by strip-grazing standing milo. This guide discusses milo production, nutritional value and the details of managing cattle while using this low-cost feed.
Calendario de siembra de vegetales
Planta un huerto para ahorrar en tu factura de comida familiar y promover buenos hábitos dietéticos. Las tablas de esta guía ayudan a los habitantes de Misuri a planificar qué plantar, cuándo plantar y cuánto de cada vegetal plantar.
Evaluating Direct-to-Consumer Marketing Opportunities for Local Beef in Missouri
Marketing beef direct-to-consumer is an complex business with many challenges. This guide explores common marketing options for beef producers, important considerations for direct-to-consumer marketing and the costs and returns of selling beef directly to consumers.
Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) Insurance in Missouri
Protect your grazing or hay farming operation from drought risk. Get tips and examples for understanding how PRF insurance works and choosing a policy.
Spring Lamb Management Tips
Spring lambing is a profitable production system. However, producers need to learn to deal with internal parasites and predator risk. This guide highlights management tips to ensure successful spring lambing enterprise.