The following publications cover topics related to Agricultural Business and Policy Extension. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.

Southeast Missouri Peanut Planning Budget


Use this crop enterprise budget as a guide to estimate your production costs and returns when growing peanuts on southeast Missouri farms.

Sheep Planning Budget


Use this enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns for raising Missouri sheep in a 50-ewe, spring-lambing flock and marketing lambs at 65 to 75 pounds.

Refining Market Channel Selections Based on Cost


Agricultural entrepreneurs can estimate their cost of accessing market channels with this tool to set product prices, plan for marketing investments, and evaluate sales strategies.

Introduction to Wind Energy Leases


Learn what Missouri landowners should consider before entering into utility-scale wind energy agreements. Wind agreements have implications for land use, finances, liability, environment, and the community.

Incorporating Conservation Provisions in Leases


Landowners and tenants can both benefit when their responsibilities concerning conservation practices are specified in a written land lease. Learn topics that should be discussed and understood prior to incorporating conservation practices into a written land lease. This guide also provides sample wording for various conservation considerations.

Funding Agricultural Business Development With Federal and State Grants


Grant programs allow agricultural businesses and farmers to seek funding that supports business development and may complement other business financing.

Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) Insurance


See how LRP insurance helps farmers manage market price volatility risk. Missouri producers may apply for feeder cattle, fed cattle, lamb and swine policies.

Cash Rental Rates in Missouri


Learn about trends in cash rental rates for Missouri cropland, pastureland, grain bins, farm buildings and fee hunting based on survey responses from 112 MIssourians.

Farmland Values for Midwestern States


Find farmland value price trends in Missouri and other Midwestern states since 1912.

Leasing Land for Solar Energy Development


Leasing land to develop utility-scale solar energy farms is becoming more common in Missouri. Learn what landowners should consider before entering into utility-scale solar energy development land leases.

Microgreens Planning Budget


Use this enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns from producing microgreens in Missouri.

Controlled Environment Agriculture: Hydroponic Farming


Learn about ways to grow vegetables, fruits and related crops in indoor hydroponic systems and environmental control considerations for managing production.

Tomato (High Tunnel) Planning Budget


Use this enterprise budget as a guide to estimate costs and returns for producing high tunnel tomatoes in Missouri.

Beekeeping Planning Budget


Use this enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns when beekeeping and producing honey in Missouri.

Lisianthus Planning Budget


Use this enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns for growing lisianthus as a cut flower in Missouri.

Evaluating Direct-to-Consumer Marketing Opportunities for Local Beef in Missouri


Marketing beef direct-to-consumer is an complex business with many challenges. This guide explores common marketing options for beef producers, important considerations for direct-to-consumer marketing and the costs and returns of selling beef directly to consumers.

Pasture, Rangeland, Forage (PRF) Insurance in Missouri


Protect your grazing or hay farming operation from drought risk. Get tips and examples for understanding how PRF insurance works and choosing a policy.

Strip-Grazing Milo as a Low-Cost Winter Forage


Explore an affordable solution for winter cattle feed by strip-grazing standing milo. This guide discusses milo production, nutritional value and the details of managing cattle while using this low-cost feed.

Missouri Farmland Values


Find farmland values for Missouri and its counties from USDA since 1959. Learn methods of estimating historical county values for years not reported.

Native Warm-Season Grass Seed Production


Native warm-season grasses can be a valuable source of forage and wildlife benefits. They can also generate cash flow by harvesting and selling the seed produced. This guide discusses the practices used to harvest seed and the costs and returns of doing so.

Pasture Fence Construction Budget


There are many different methods and materials used to construct farm fencing. Each method varies widely in cost and ease of construction. This guide focuses on some common types of fences constructed across the midwestern United States.

Conservation Provisions in Leases


Conservation practice can affect leases and the relationship between landowners and tenants. This guide presents topics to address when incorporating conservation and ecosystem services into a lease agreement.

Missouri Fencing and Boundary Laws


Find what farmers and landowners need to know about fencing duties, rights and boundaries provided in Missouri's fencing law and a local option counties can adopt.

Selecting Cover Crop Seeding Machinery


Learn about different cover crop seeding machines and their operational features. Understand their strengths and weaknesses to reduce planting costs, the second largest expense in growing cover crops.

Basics of Farm Lease Agreements


Learn about key elements necessary for creating quality written farm leases between tenants and landowners.

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