The following publications cover topics related to Agricultural Business and Policy Extension. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.
Missouri Farm Labor Guide
Learn good human resource practices related to employee recruitment, hiring, onboarding, training and termination that your farm or agribusiness can use.
Missouri Farm Tax Record: Part 1, Cash Paid-Cash Received
Reviewed $10
Farmers can use this simple Missouri farm tax recordkeeping system if they track yearly income and expenses for their agricultural operations on a cash basis.
Distributed Energy Resources: A Primer for Missouri Farmers
Major changes are occurring in how electricity is generated, distributed and used. Learn about this transition from centralized energy generation towards distributed energy generation and the potential impacts it will have for rural landowners.
Solving Wildlife Damage Problems in Missouri
Learn 10 methods that can prevent or reduce damage that wildlife can cause on your property, and see the components of a wildlife damage management program.
Pesticide Laws and Regulations
Learn about federal and Missouri pesticide rules, and see the steps to take to become a pesticide applicator and keep good records of when you use pesticides.
Starting and Operating a Farmers Market: Frequently Asked Questions
Learn what makes a farmers market successful and feasible. Get tips about how to start or improve a market to make local food available in your community.
An Employer’s Guide to Worker Protection Standard Compliance
Learn terms used in EPA’s Worker Protection Standard, and read about duties the standard outlines for agricultural employers, workers and pesticide handlers.
Worker Protection Standard Overview
Read about how the EPA’s Worker Protection Standard applies to agricultural pesticide use and what you as a farm employer must do to comply with the standard.
Weather-Related Sales of Livestock
Find out whether federal tax law allows farms to defer income earned after selling animals because of drought, flood or related weather conditions.
Agricultural Owners, Family Labor and the Worker Protection Standard
Find out what the EPA’s Worker Protection Standard requires of family-owned agricultural establishments to keep your family safe from pesticide exposure.
An Introduction to Basis
Discover how agricultural commodity basis applies to crops and livestock and affects your farm's production, forward pricing, hedging and storage decisions.
Safe Tractor Operation
The purpose of this guide is to assist employers and employees in training for safe tractor operation. Farm employers should review this guide with anyone who operates a farm tractor.
Selecting an Appropriate Pricing Strategy
Learn how to price a product based on your cost and profit objectives, demand and competition. See five strategies used to price value-added agricultural products.
Agriculture and the Occupational Safety and Health Act
Missouri farms and ranches must have a safety and health program that complies with OSHA rules, regulations and standards if they have employees. Read this FAQ for details.
Selling Strategies for Local Food Producers
Learn how farms can market local food directly to consumers by building relationships with buyers, discovering customer needs, providing quality service.
Introduction to Hedging Agricultural Commodities With Options
Hedging in the commodity options exchange markets can reduce farmers' price and production risk. Learn how to better evaluate hedging opportunities in this guide.
Verbal Farm Rental Agreements Under Missouri Law
Learn about the problems and risks associated with informal verbal farm leases, and see the minimum requirements to include in a basic written lease.
Missouri Robotic Dairy Business Plans
View these plans to learn how to use labor-saving robotic milking systems and confinement housing to improve cow comfort and remove barriers for producing more milk.
Purchasing and Leasing Farm Equipment
Deciding between buying or leasing farm equipment? Learn about purchase plans, rental agreements, lease agreements, tax and financial considerations and more.
Missouri 3,500-Cow Dairy Business Plan
With this plan, think through how to start a dairy using confinement housing: freestalls with sand bedding and tunnel ventilation to improve cow comfort and cooling.
Missouri 400-Cow Dairy and 690-Cow Dairy Business Plans
Use these Missouri dairy plans to improve cow comfort and cooling and remove milk production barriers in 400 or 690 herd sizes.
Field Borders for Agronomic, Economic and Wildlife Benefits
Learn how to make and maintain field borders to reduce soil erosion from wind and water, protect soil and water quality and provide wildlife and pollinator habitat.
Industrial Hemp for Grain and Fiber Planning Budget
Use this industrial hemp planning budget to make economic, agronomic and machinery decisions before planting hemp to harvest for grain and fiber in Missouri.
Characteristics of Missouri’s Food, Agriculture and Forestry Workforce
Learn about employment, wage and training trends in Missouri's food, agriculture and forestry workforce. Plus, see what it will take to fill jobs in these industries.
Industrial Hemp for Grain Planning Budget
Use this industrial hemp planning budget to make educated economic, agronomic and machinery decisions before planting hemp to harvest for grain in Missouri.