MU Extension offers beef feeding financial tool

POTOSI, Mo. – A risk management strategy for buying or retaining cattle is the goal of a new tool from University of Missouri Extension. The Beef Feeding Profitability Tracker, developed by MU Extension agricultural business specialist Rachel Hopkins, is a free Excel spreadsheet tool that lets producers track input costs of groups of cattle.

Better numbers, better farm

WARSAW, Mo. – Handling farm finances wisely means knowing some key numbers that indicate the health of your operation.

MU Extension holds food safety training for processors

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension will hold food safety training for food processors March 24-25 on the MU campus in Columbia. Lakshmikantha “Kantha” Channaiah, state extension specialist in food processing and an assistant professor in the MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, will lead the HACCP (hazard analysis and critical control points) training.

Early-career lenders can strengthen skills at MU Ag Lenders School

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Agricultural lenders seeking to sharpen their skills are invited to register for the University of Missouri Agricultural Lenders School, June 2-5 in Columbia. MU Extension agricultural economist Ryan Milhollin says the school is tailored to help early-career lenders and those new to agricultural loan responsibilities develop the knowledge and confidence to serve farm clients effectively.

Farm succession workshop set for Feb. 27 in Macon

MACON, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension will offer a farm succession work to help farm families start the process of moving the farm business from one generation to the next. The workshop will be 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 27, at FCS Financial in Macon. During the workshop, MU Extension specialists will cover family roles, communication and transition planning. Participants will have the opportunity for discussion…

Benefits of beef cow leasing

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Leasing instead of purchasing cows can be an effective financial strategy for cow-calf producers. A new publication by University of Missouri Extension specialists, “Introduction to Beef Cow Leases,” details how beef cow leases work. It is available for free download at

American Lamb Consumer and Producer Workshop is Feb. 28 in St. Clair County

OSCEOLA, Mo. – February is Lamb Lovers Month, as designated by the American Lamb Board. In recognition of this, University of Missouri Extension in St. Clair County will host the American Lamb Consumer and Producer Workshop 5-8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 28, in Osceola. The event aims to foster connections between producers and consumers, said David Brown, MU Extension sheep and goats specialist.

Central Missouri Forage & Beef Conference is Feb. 28

VIENNA, Mo. – The Central Missouri Forage & Beef Conference, presented by University of Missouri Extension specialists, is Friday, Feb. 28, at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 206 Sixth St., Vienna.

'Growing Success' webinar series supports food and farm entrepreneurs

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Small-scale food and farm entrepreneurs face unique challenges with business planning and marketing. To help meet these needs, University of Missouri Extension is launching “Growing Success: Marketing and Business Development for Small Farms.” Running throughout March, this evening webinar series is designed to equip attendees with practical skills and resources for success.

Missouri 2025 Ag Outlook shows road ahead

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri experts have released the Show-Me 2025 Missouri Agricultural Outlook, which shows a mixed outlook for Missouri’s crops and livestock and the challenges and opportunities ahead. The report is available at

Tools help farmers estimate American Relief Plan assistance

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri specialists have developed online tools to help farmers estimate their potential payments from the American Relief Act, which was passed by Congress late last year. “Economic assistance payments to Missouri crop producers are expected to provide significant liquidity to the local farm sector,” said Alejandro Plastina, director of the MU Rural and Farm Finance Policy Analysis Center (RaFF).

MU Extension releases enterprise budgets for 2025

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension has released its latest crop and livestock enterprise budgets tailored to help Missouri farmers and ranchers plan for a productive 2025. MU Extension specialists have updated 38 budgets for farmers working with row crops, beef, swine, dairy, sheep, goats, forages and more. Region-specific budgets have also been developed for southeastern Missouri crops like cotton, peanuts and rice.

Is Missouri's farmland market cooling down?

COLUMBIA, Mo. – After years of record-breaking farmland prices in Missouri, is stabilization on the horizon? Data from the latest Missouri Farmland Values Opinion Survey hints at slower growth in Show-Me State farmland values.

Celebrate Pork Month by considering value-added production

COLUMBIA, Mo. – The average Missourian eats 63 pounds of pork each year. “If you’ve thought about supplying pork to Missouri markets but haven’t decided for sure, then Intel for Ag ( can help,” said Mallory Rahe, University of Missouri Extension state specialist and Intel for Ag contributor.

Topics to discuss before incorporating conservation into your land lease

FORSYTH, Mo. – Despite the benefits of conservation practices on farmland, differing goals and expectations can create tension between landowners and tenants when talking about incorporating them into a land lease. According University of Missouri Extension agribusiness specialist Jacob Hefley, thoughtful conversations and clearly outlined provisions between the two parties can ease this tension.

Producer expertise needed to shape future of state's small ruminant industry

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Extension specialists from Lincoln University in Jefferson City and the University of Missouri in Columbia are working to gain deeper insights into sheep and goat production in the Show-Me-State. “Our initiative aims to uncover valuable insights that will benefit producers and contribute to the state’s economy and inform policy decisions,” said Ye Su, assistant professor of agribusiness with Lincoln University.

Missouri farmland, hunting cash rental rate insights from MU Extension

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Missouri rental rates rose again in 2024, according to the latest cash rental rates survey from University of Missouri Extension. More than 600 Missouri landowners and tenants responded to the survey earlier this summer and shared their insights into rental rates and leasing arrangements for cropland, pastureland, hunting land and farm facilities.

Farm management series 'On My Own' offered this fall

A program to help women landowners and operators understand agricultural leases and the value of land and agricultural activities will be offered this fall in a series of evening events. University of Missouri Extension will hold “On My Own” classes on various weeknights at locations throughout the state from Oct. 15, 2024, through Feb. 25, 2025. There are also two opportunities for taking the class online.

Elevate your farmers market success

COLUMBIA, Mo. – In celebration of National Farmers Market Week, Aug. 4-10, University of Missouri Extension has resources to help improve your local food systems awareness and polish your farmers market presence. Learn about local food systems Consumers are increasingly searching out healthy and safe food that supports their local community. Farmers can meet this demand by taking advantage of local food systems.

Intel for Ag helps sow seeds for business success

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension has developed a free online platform to help beginning and established producers start or grow their agriculture ventures. “Intel for Ag is a free toolbox that makes management concepts accessible and allows users to better determine what agricultural products might most suitable and sustainable for their individual success,” says Mallory Rahe, MU Extension associate professor and Intel…

Farm business operators can tackle labor crunch with seasonal workers

COLUMBIA, Mo. – As summer arrives in the Show-Me State, farm business operators often experience periods of fluctuating labor needs. Seasonal workers, including young people, can offer extra capacity during critical times.

Marketing matters in direct-to-consumer beef sales

FORSYTH, Mo. – Selling beef directly from the farm to consumers gained significant popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Though adoption has slowed, selling direct to consumers remains a popular option for Missouri beef producers as an alternative to selling live animals, as it allows the producer to capture additional value otherwise obtained by others in the food processing chain,” said Jacob Hefley, University of Missouri…

MU Extension resources for specialty ag producers

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Missouri’s urban and specialty agriculture producers—and those considering starting an agricultural enterprise—have new business planning resources at their fingertips.

How to have conversations about conservation on leased land

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Various agencies and organizations are promoting practices for soil conservation and ecosystem improvement. These efforts, intended to maintain or improve productivity of the land, often come with financial incentives. Long-term or short-term, these practices also can affect leases and relationships between landowners and tenants.

2024 dairy returns might improve

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Prices paid in 2024 for dairy products should be similar to 2023, while net returns may be better, according to University of Missouri Extension economist Scott Brown. Brown told attendees at the 2024 Missouri Dairy Expo that average weather and feed costs will be key factors for this year’s outlook.