Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 19


Spring dead spot is a destructive disease of common bermudagrass and bermudagrass hybrids throughout the northern range of its adaptation in the U.S.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 22


Yellow patch is a cool-season disease that occurs on bentgrass and annual bluegrass putting greens and sometimes on higher-gut Kentucky bluegrass.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 02


Accurate diagnosis is the key to managing turfgrass disease in an environmentally and economically sound manner. When the cause is not accurately identified and management practices and control measures are not developed accordingly, inputs are wasted and high reestablishment costs may be incurred.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 05


Brown patch is a sheath- and leaf-blighting summer disease that is common on tall fescue and bentgrass. It is particularly severe on tall fescue. With increased use of tall fescue in urban and commercial landscapes, brown patch has become a significant management problem.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases


This publication is designed to be a useful reference for diagnosticians, turfgrass managers, industry representatives and others who want to learn how to diagnose and manage common turfgrass diseases caused by plant pathogenic fungi.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 08


Dollar spot is a common disease on creeping bentgrass, Kentucky bluegrass and perennial ryegrass, but it is rare on tall fescue. It also occurs on zoysiagrass, bermudagrass, buffalograss and annual bluegrass .

Biology and Management of Giant Ragweed


Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Turfgrass Disease Control


Reviewed by Peng Tian
Assistant Professor, Plant Sciences

Reviewed by Manoj Chhetri
Department of Horticulture

Brad S. Fresenburg
Division of Plant Sciences

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 11


Gray leaf spot, also called blast, occurs in most areas of the country where perennial ryegrass is grown. Disease development is sporadic with little or no disease development in some years. Nevertheless, the potential destructiveness of gray leaf spot forces many turfgrass managers to apply preventive fungicide applications every year.

Facts About Glyphosate-Resistant Weeds


Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Reviewed by Kevin Bradley
Division of Plant Sciences

Chris Boerboom, University of Wisconsin
Micheal Owen, Iowa State University

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 14


Rhizoctonia zeae forms pink to orange bulbils (resting structures). The fungus has been observed with increasing frequency since the early 2000s.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 17


Pythium foliar blight is one of the most feared turfgrass diseases, because the disease develops rapidly during periods of high temperature and high relative humidity. If left untreated, extensive loss of turf can occur in a few days.

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 20


Summer patch, sometimes referred to as frogeye patch, is a destructive disease of Kentucky bluegrass maintained for golf course fairways, green surrounds, parks and residential landscapes

Identification and Management of Turfgrass Diseases, Page 23


Yellow tuft is a cool-season disease that is commonly observed on creeping bentgrass and intensively managed Kentucky bluegrass.

Common Weed Seedlings of the North Central States


Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is available for purchase from Michigan State Extension. To order this publication, please visit the MSU Extension Bookstore.

Goats — Early Kidding Planning Budget


Use this doe flock enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns when birthing goat kids in the winter — a system with seasonally high prices for kids and low land needs.

Selecting Landscape Plants: Flowering Trees


Reviewed by David Trinklein
Horticulture Extension State Specialist
Division of Plant Sciences & Technology

Flowering trees add beauty and seasonal interest to the landscape. Many, including the popular flowering dogwood (Figure 1), have colorful or interesting fruits that may be edible or attractive to birds.

Milk and Dairy poster

Revised $33

This poster reviews the benefits of calcium-rich foods, key nutrients provided, lactose intolerance, alternate calcium sources and food safety for dairy foods.

Dairy SMNED handout (Bundle of 25)

Revised $12

This handout provides information regarding dairy foods in your diet.

Controlling Nuisance Woodpeckers


Robert A. Pierce II
Extension Fisheries and Wildlife Specialist
School of Natural Resources

Richard Hinnah
Wildlife Biologist
USDA APHIS Wildlife Services

Managing Woodchuck Problems in Missouri


Tree Squirrels: Managing Habitat and Controlling Damage


Missouri is home to three species of tree squirrels. Visit our site for our Tree Squirrels: Managing Habitat and Controlling Damage guide.

Controlling Snakes After a Storm or Flood


Snakes often become displaced after a storm or flooding event. As a result, many of these animals are seeking shelter and food in areas close to people. Read more to find out what to do when you encounter one.

Controlling Nuisance Moles


Moles often are a nuisance and can harm your plants. Visit our site to learn about Controlling Nuisance Moles.

Controlling Vole Damage in No-Till Corn and Soybeans


Robert A. Pierce II
Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences

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