Spiders - Page 4
Crab spiders (Thomisidae) Nonpoisonous spiders

Spiders - Page 7
Tarantula Nonpoisonous spiders

All-Weather Concrete Stock Tank
Learn how to build an all-weather concrete stock tank, with measured and detailed plans.

Spiders - Page 2
Black widow (Latrodectus mactans) Poisonous spiders

Spiders - Page 5
Jumping spiders (Salticidae) Nonpoisonous spiders

Spiders - Page 8
Wolf spiders Nonpoisonous spiders

Spiders belong to the order Araneae of the class Arachnida. More than 300 different spiders occur in Missouri.

Spiders - Page 3
Brown recluse (Loxosceles reclusa) Poisonous spiders

Spiders - Page 6
Orb weavers (Araneidae) Nonpoisonous spiders

Lawn and Garden Soil Test Interpretations and Fertilizer Recommendation Guide
Eliminate the guesswork of providing nutrients for plant growth and avoid potentially environmentally harmful fertilizer applications by having your home lawn and garden soil tested. Learn the methods used by the MU Soil and Plant Testing in this guide.

Bats of Missouri: Information for Homeowners
Discover the diverse bat species in Missouri, their ecological benefits, and guidance on safely managing bat encounters in homes.

Soil Testing in Missouri
Find out how fertile your garden or lawn soil is with a soil test. Results estimate the ability of soil to supply plant nutrients or support plant growth. Learn the process of taking a soil sample and the tools necessary to do so in this guide.

Transportation of Fish in Bags

Bluegill Sunfish Production in Missouri
Learn about bluegill sunfish aquaculture in Missouri, including species info, spawning, pond prep, and water quality management.

Freshwater Prawn Production in Missouri
Freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) can be successfully and profitably produced in mid-Missouri. Learn about culture and management techniques that have been successful in producing freshwater prawns in this MU Extension guide.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 27
Io moth caterpillars (Automeris io) are present from July to October. They produce two generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 30
Orangedog caterpillars (Papilio cresphontes) are present from July to October. They produce two generations per year. They are considered a pest to citrus trees.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 33
Pickleworm caterpillars (Diaphania nitidalis) are present from summer to fall. They produce two to three generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 04
Bagworm caterpillars (Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis) are present from early June to August. They produce one generation per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 36
Red-spotted purple caterpillars (Limenitis arthemis) are present from early summer to fall. They produce two generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 07
Cabbage looper caterpillars (Trichoplusia ni) are present from late spring to fall. They produce two to three generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 39
Smalleyed sphinx caterpillars (Paonias myops) are present from May through September. They produce multiple generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 10
Clearwinged sphinx caterpillars (Hemaris diffinis) are present from April to September. They produce two generations per year.

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden, Page 42
Stalk borer caterpillars (Papaipema nebris) are present from May to August. They produce one generation per year.