Periodical Cicadas in Missouri
Nurturing Children’s Talents
Adults can nurture children's positive self-esteem by helping them discover what they are good at doing. Part of a child's self esteem comes from feeling competent and skilled at something she or he enjoys. You can play a big role in helping children to be successful and feel good about themselves.
Home Safety Checklist for Families With Young Children
This checklist is designed to make your home environment safer by preventing accidents and injuries.
Biological and Integrated Control of Musk Thistle in Missouri
Musk thistle, Carduus nutans L., is a European weed introduced accidentally into the eastern seaboard of the United States in the mid- to late 1800s. It has since spread throughout most of North America, where it has become a weed of considerable economic importance.
Nature, Nurture and Early Brain Development
New research on early brain development provides an opportunity to examine how nature and nurture work together to shape human development. Visit our site.
Seeding Rates, Dates and Depths for Common Missouri Forages
Visit our site for our resource on Seeding Rates, Dates and Depths for Common Missouri Forages.
Insect and Mite Pests of Apples
Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is available only as a downloadable PDF.
Yard and Garden Care: How It Affects Your Health and Environment (Fact Sheet)
If your home is like most, it is surrounded by lawns, gardens, shrubs and trees that require regular maintenance. This chapter examines the potential impact of yard and garden care on the environment and your health.
Site Assessment: Protecting Water Quality Around Your Home (Fact Sheet)
Fact sheet 1
Work sheet 1
How to Manage and Control Storm Water Runoff (Work Sheet)
Work sheet 2
Fact sheet 2
Household Wastewater: Septic Systems and Other Treatment Methods (Fact Sheet)
Visit our website here to view our Household Wastewater: Septic Systems and Other Treatment Methods (Fact Sheet).
Yard and Garden Care: How It Affects Your Health and Environment (Work Sheet)
Assess your yard and garden care with the help of this work sheet.
Promoting Family Strengths
Why are family strengths so important?
Site Assessment: Protecting Water Quality Around Your Home (Work Sheet)
Work sheet 1
Fact sheet 1
Drinking Water Well Management (Fact Sheet)
Learn how to keep your well water free of harmful contaminants. These tips on well location, construction and maintenance; water testing; and abandoned wells can help.
Household Wastewater: Septic Systems and Other Treatment Methods (Work Sheet)
Work sheet 4
Fact sheet 4
Assessment 1Septic system design and location
This work sheet is used with Fact Sheet 4, which provides information and resources to address household wastewater problems that may be revealed through the use of this work sheet.
An Introduction to Assessing the Environmental Safety of Your Home
Home-A-Syst is a confidential self-assessment program you can use to evaluate your home and property for pollution and health risks. In every home — large or small, new or old, city or country — there are potential pollution sources that can affect the health of your family, your community, or the environment.
How to Manage and Control Storm Water Runoff (Fact Sheet)
Storm water runoff poises many risks to health and the environment. Visit our site to read our How to Manage and Control Storm Water Runoff (Fact Sheet).
Drinking Water Well Management (Work Sheet)
Work sheet 3
Fact sheet 3
Water Quality for Livestock Drinking
Water is a critical nutrient for livestock and poultry. Learn how to provide an adequate and safe water supply for livestock and poultry in this guide.
Warm-Season Annual Forage Crops
Annual warm-season grasses can be used as part of a year-round grazing system in Missouri. Visit our site to learn about Warm-Season Annual Forage Crops.
Pesticide Dilution Table
Sexuality and Your Child: For Children Ages 3 to 7
University of Missouri Department of Human Development and Family Studies. Providing sex education to their kids can be difficult for parents. Visit our site to view our Sexuality and Your Child: For Children Ages 3 to 7 resource.