The following publications cover topics related to Food Systems. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.

Harnessing Social Media to Drive Sales


Ready to make your social media presence drive results for your business? Read this guide to learn how to set goals and strategies, craft action-inspiring content, leverage a content calendar and evaluate performance for future success.

Post, Engage, Grow: A Social Media Primer


Grow your business’s visibility with social media. This guide can help you choose the right platform, build an online presence and engage your audience. Learn how to connect with customers and turn social media into a springboard for marketing success.

Seasonal and Simple: A Guide for Enjoying Fresh Fruits and Vegetables


Seasonal and simple is a guide to help you select, store and prepare fresh fruits and vegetables. Check out the free app and publication.

Refining Market Channel Selections Based on Cost


Agricultural entrepreneurs can estimate their cost of accessing market channels with this tool to set product prices, plan for marketing investments, and evaluate sales strategies.

Food Safety Tips for Consumers: Meal Delivery Services


It’s important to keep food safety in mind when receiving meal deliveries or getting groceries delivered. Foodborne illnesses can occur when food isn’t handled properly. Get tips for keeping food delivered to your home safe in this fact sheet.

Vacuum and Reduced Oxygen Packaging


Reduced oxygen packaging of meats and food may offer some benefits, but you need to understand the food safety concerns and know the regulations tied to this type of packaging. Learn about these safety concerns and how to mitigate them in this fact sheet.

Food Safety Tips for Consumers: GMOs


Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are foods developed using genetic engineering. Learn some basic information about labeling requirements and food safety in this fact sheet.

Market Channels for Locally Raised Foods


Sell Missouri vegetables via CSAs; U-pick sales; on-farm, roadside, farmers markets; co-ops; wholesale auctions; restaurants, institutions, supermarkets.

Adding Value in Agriculture, Food and Forestry


See 7 ways to add value to farm commodities or products, and learn how to turn a value-added agriculture idea into a business that can increase farm income.

Introduction to Local Food Systems


Learn how to create rural and urban local food systems that are profitable and sustainable, connect farms to consumers and support the community and economy.

Making and Using Compost


Compost can improve your landscape and garden soil. Learn how to turn leaves, grass clippings and other garden refuse into compost in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

High Tunnel Melon and Watermelon Production


High tunnels are low-cost, passive, solar plant forcing structures that use no fossil fuels for heating or venting and provide many benefits to horticulture crop producers

5 Steps to Buying Meat Direct From the Farm


If you are interested in buying meat from a local farmer, in quarters or halves, review these five considerations: how much meat your family can consume and what cuts to buy, sourcing an animal, finding a local meat processor, costs, and timing.

Grass Clippings, Compost and Mulch: Questions and Answers


Yard waste is valuable landscape resource. Visit our site for our Grass Clippings, Compost and Mulch: Questions and Answers resource.

Storing foods at home


Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Method of Retail Sale for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables


If you are selling fruits or vegetables direct to consumer through a farmers market, farm stand, or other means, it is important that you sell produce by the proper method, as indicated in the tables in this guide.

Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables Poster

Reviewed $31

Easily keep track of when fruits and vegetables are in season with this attractive 2-foot-by-3-foot display.

Starting and Operating a Farmers Market: Frequently Asked Questions


Learn what makes a farmers market successful and feasible. Get tips about how to start or improve a market to make local food available in your community.

Sampling Safely at Farmers Markets — Fact Sheet


Read this to understand sampling regulations at farmers markets. Learn how to establish and estimate costs for handwash stations and washing and sanitizing stations.

Successfully Direct Marketing Beef


Get tips on direct marketing beef in this 32-page publication.

Selecting an Appropriate Pricing Strategy


Learn how to price a product based on your cost and profit objectives, demand and competition. See five strategies used to price value-added agricultural products.

Local and Regional Food System Resilience During COVID-19


Follow these guidelines for facilitating an improved business engagement while fostering leadership and problem solving to find meaningful engagement in rural small businesses. Business examples and seven key guidelines are presented here.

Selling Strategies for Local Food Producers


Learn how farms can market local food directly to consumers by building relationships with buyers, discovering customer needs, providing quality service.

Break-even Pricing, Revenue and Units


Learn how to find a value-added agricultural product’s break-even price and use it to set the product's price and estimate its break-even revenue and unit sales.

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