The following publications cover topics related to Commercial Horticulture. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.

Growing and Marketing Elderberries in Missouri


Patrick Byers
Regional horticulture specialist

Growing Home Garden Tomatoes


Tomatoes are a popular home garden crop. They require little area, bear repeatedly, are easy to grow and have many culinary uses. Learn about various varieties and get tips for growing tomatoes in this guide.

Forcing Bulbs for Indoor Bloom


Revised by David Trinklein
Horticulture Extension State Specialist
Division of Plant Sciences & Technology

Growing Herbs at Home


Reviewed by David Trinklein
Horticulture Extension State Specialist
Division of Plant Sciences & Technology

Home Propagation of Houseplants


Reviewed by Dave Trinklein
Horticulture State Extension Specialist
Division of Plant Sciences & Technology

Plant pieces cut from a parent plant and rooted to form new plants are called “cuttings.” Use of cuttings is a simple, inexpensive way to multiply houseplants and garden plants.

Growing Asparagus in Missouri


Reviewed by David Trinklein
Horticulture Extension State Specialist
Division of Plant Sciences & Technology

Drying Flowers and Foliage for Arrangements


Create distinctive indoor decorations by drying flowers and foliage. Air-drying, pressing, using dessicants, microwave oven-drying and freeze-drying methods plus preserving foliage with glycerin are covered in this illustrated MU Extension guide.

Lawn and Garden Soil Test Interpretations and Fertilizer Recommendation Guide


Eliminate the guesswork of providing nutrients for plant growth and avoid potentially environmentally harmful fertilizer applications by having your home lawn and garden soil tested. Learn the methods used by the MU Soil and Plant Testing in this guide.

Soil Testing in Missouri


Find out how fertile your garden or lawn soil is with a soil test. Results estimate the ability of soil to supply plant nutrients or support plant growth. Learn the process of taking a soil sample and the tools necessary to do so in this guide.

Home Fruit Production: Peach and Nectarine Culture


Peach and nectarine trees require considerable care, so cultivars must be carefully selected. Get tips for growing these fruits — including how many trees to plant, how to train and prune them, and how much to water them — in this guide.

Boxelder Bug


Richard Houseman
State entomology extension specialist

Bruce Barrett
State entomology extension specialist

Caterpillars in Your Yard and Garden


Caterpillars are some of the most easily observed insects in backyards and gardens. Learn to identify them so you will know what type of butterflies or moths they will turn into.

Least-Toxic Control Methods to Manage Indoor Plant Pests


This publication discusses some of the least-toxic control options you can use for pests of houseplants, home greenhouses and interior plantscapes.

Twig Girdler and Twig Pruner


Twig Girdler and Twig Pruner are long-horned beetle species that attack numerous types of valuable trees. Visit our website to learn more.

Missouri Farm Labor Guide


Learn good human resource practices related to employee recruitment, hiring, onboarding, training and termination that your farm or agribusiness can use.

Controlling Voles in Horticulture Plantings and Orchards in Missouri


Three species of voles occur in the state: the pine or woodland vole (Microtus pinetorum), the meadow vole (Microtus pennsylvanicus) and the prairie vole (Microtus ochrogatser). Voles are small, weighing 1 to 2 ounces as adults.

Using NRCS Technical and Financial Assistance for Agroforestry and Woody Crop Establishment Through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP)


Learn how to access EQIP technical and financial assistance for alley cropping, multistory cropping, riparian buffer, silvopasture and windbreak practices.

Caring for Flooded Lawns


Reviewed by Manoj Chhetri
MU Extension Horticulture Field Specialist

Karen Kerkhoff
Area Horticulture Specialist

David D. Minner
State Turfgrass Specialist, Department of Horticulture

Calibrating Sprayers and Spreaders for Athletic Fields and Golf Courses


Reviewed by Manoj Chhetri
MU Extension Horticulture Field Specialist

Brad S. Fresenburg and Erik H. Ervin
Department of Horticulture

Grass Clippings, Compost and Mulch: Questions and Answers


Yard waste is valuable landscape resource. Visit our site for our Grass Clippings, Compost and Mulch: Questions and Answers resource.

Pruning Raspberries, Blackberries and Gooseberries


Michele Warmund
Fruit State Specialist
Division of Plant Sciences

Managing Nematodes in Gardens


Revised by Kaitlyn Bissonnette
MU Extension Plant Nematology Lab

Revised by Robert Heinz
MU Extension Plant Nematology Lab

Melissa Goellner Mitchum
Division of Plant Sciences and Bond Life Sciences Center

Pollinating Fruit Crops


Michele R. Warmund
Department of Horticulture

Home Fruit Production: Grape Culture


Grapes are sturdy plants that withstand drought and can succeed even in rocky, infertile soils. Grape vines can remain productive for 20 to 30 years. Learn how to landscape with grapes, from choosing cultivars to harvesting the fruit, in the University of

Growing Pecans in Missouri


Pecan is a large, beautiful tree that produces bountiful crops of delicious nuts. Visit our site to learn about Growing Pecans in Missouri.

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