The following publications cover topics related to Commercial Horticulture. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.

Watering and Fertilizing Tomatoes in a High Tunnel


Proper watering and fertilization are essential for producing tomatoes in a high tunnel. High tunnels keep out natural rainfall, so timely irrigation is necessary.

Planificación de Negocios para Parcelas Pequeñas en Missouri


Aprenda por qué la planificación empresarial en torno al mercadeo, los activos y la rentabilidad es importante para lanzar con éxito una empresa de pequeña escala.

Farmers Guide to the H-2A Visa Program


Missouri employers can use the H-2A visa program to get foreign workers for agricultural jobs. Learn about the H-2A visa process, who can help, costs and employer requirements.

Common Diseases in the Home Garden


Parasitic diseases and nonparasitic disorders can cause serious vegetable losses in home gardens.

Ornamental and Turf Pest Control (Category 3)

Revised $45

This manual is part of Missouri's Pesticide Applicator Training Program. It prepares pesticide applicators for a Category 3, Ornamental and Turf Pest Control, certification test given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

Elderberry Planning Budget


Use this enterprise budget as a guide to estimate your production costs and returns for producing elderberries in Missouri.

Plant Analysis Information Form


Editor’s note
This publication is a fillable PDF. Select the “Download this publication” button and save the form to your computer. Then either fill it in using Acrobat Reader and print it to send with your samples, or print it and fill it in by hand.

Marketing Maple Syrup in Missouri


Read highlights of the findings from a MU Extension study exploring maple syrup production in the lower Midwest, including interviews with Missouri producers and best practices for marketing products.

Microgreens Planning Budget


Use this enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns from producing microgreens in Missouri.

Tomato (High Tunnel) Planning Budget


Use this enterprise budget as a guide to estimate costs and returns for producing high tunnel tomatoes in Missouri.

Lisianthus Planning Budget


Use this enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns for growing lisianthus as a cut flower in Missouri.

Attracting Hummingbirds to Your Property


Hummingbirds usually arrive in Missouri to nest from early to mid-April, but that can vary considerably from year to year. If you want to attract them to your property, it helps to understand their biology and behavior, and to implement habitat management practices.

Home Lawn Watering Guide


To avoid severe loss of turfgrass and to conserve water, homeowners should manage their lawns each year in anticipation of water restrictions. This guide describes that will reduce the need for irrigation while improving the competitiveness and appearance of your lawn.

Roses: Selecting and Planting


Roses are well adapted to many different environmental conditions. They are useful as landscape plants and prized as cut flowers. Since they are the product of centuries of breeding and selection, many shapes, forms, and colors provide endless types to select from and use.

Small Acreage Business Planning in Missouri


Learn why business planning around marketing, assets and profitability is important for launching a successful small acreage enterprise. Be sure to envision your goals as you consider enterprises.

Regulations for Selling Safe Canned Foods in Missouri — Fact Sheet


Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Soil Nitrogen Test Information Form


Editor’s note
This publication is a fillable PDF. Select the “Download this publication” button and save the form to your computer. Then either fill it in using Acrobat Reader and print it to send with your samples, or print it and fill it in by hand.

Home Storage of Fruits and Vegetables in Root Cellars


Reviewed by Leslie Bertsch
Field Specialist in Nutrition and Health

Use this chart as a quick reference. For more detailed information about constructing and using a root cellar, check the references listed.

Selecting Landscape Plants: Ornamental Vines


Revised by David Trinklein
Horticulture Extension State Specialist
Division of Plant Sciences & Technology 

Disease Prevention in Home Vegetable Gardens


Reduce the chances of disease in your home vegetable garden through a combination of proven prevention methods, including sanitation; cultural, physical and biological practices; staking; and solarization. Learn how in this University of Missouri Extensio

Market Channels for Locally Raised Foods


Sell Missouri vegetables via CSAs; U-pick sales; on-farm, roadside, farmers markets; co-ops; wholesale auctions; restaurants, institutions, supermarkets.

Protecting Water Quality During Lawn Establishment and Renovation


Reviewed by Peng Tian
Assistant Professor, Plant Sciences

Reviewed by Manoj Chhetri
Department of Horticulture

Brad S. Fresenburg, Barbara S. Corwin and Robert R. Broz
Departments of Horticulture, Plant Pathology and Agricultural Systems Management

Establishment and Care of Zoysiagrass Lawns


Zoysiagrass is a warm-season grass that grows best in full sun. It can be established in several ways. Learn how to establish and care for a zoysiagrass lawn in this guide.

Natural Lawn Care


Reviewed by Peng Tian
Assistant Professor, Plant Sciences

Reviewed by Manoj Chhetri
Department of Horticulture

Brad S. Fresenburg
Assistant Extension Professor and Turfgrass State Specialist
Division of Plant Sciences

Bermudagrass for Athletic Fields


Reviewed by Peng Tian
Assistant Professor, Plant Sciences

Reviewed by Manoj Chhetri
Department of Horticulture

Brad S. Fresenburg
Department of Horticulture

Displaying 1 - 25 of 228