Calling all livestock producers in Central Missouri! The Central Missouri Forage & Beef Conference will be held on Friday, February 28, 2025 in Vienna, Missouri. The 2025 topics will have a focus on drought recovery with: Financial Planning for Planting Natives, Grazing Annuals & Drought Preparation and the Producer Panel will center on 'Drought Recovery'. Dan Bonicher, Cody Karr, Riley Isreal and Lauren Steele will discuss how drought recovery looks on their operation. There will also be the popular Market Outlook and Tick Diseases & Anaplasmosis will be covered. Attendees will have ample opportunity to visit the booths at the trade show throughout the afternoon. Registration and the Trade Show will begin at 12 PM, with speaking starting at 1 PM. Dinner will served at 6:15 PM. Payment of $15 at the door per registration is required and this covers dinner. RSVP is required by February 7. Register online or by calling the Maries County SWCD office at 573-422-3342. For additional questions, call 573-422-3342.