Characteristics of Missouri’s Food, Agriculture and Forestry Workforce
Learn about employment, wage and training trends in Missouri's food, agriculture and forestry workforce. Plus, see what it will take to fill jobs in these industries.
Field Borders for Agronomic, Economic and Wildlife Benefits
Learn how to make and maintain field borders to reduce soil erosion from wind and water, protect soil and water quality and provide wildlife and pollinator habitat.
Industrial Hemp for Grain and Fiber Planning Budget
Use this industrial hemp planning budget to make economic, agronomic and machinery decisions before planting hemp to harvest for grain and fiber in Missouri.
Delta Soils of Southeast Missouri
Learn about the kinds of soils and their locations in the Mississippi River Alluvial Valley, called the Delta region. This report explains how they were formed and provides an evaluation of their potential for production and adaptation to different crops.
Industrial Hemp for Grain Planning Budget
Use this industrial hemp planning budget to make educated economic, agronomic and machinery decisions before planting hemp to harvest for grain in Missouri.
Industrial Hemp for CBD Planning Budget
Missouri farmers growing industrial hemp for cannabidiol (CBD), use the planning budget and info in this guide to make educated economic, agronomic and machinery decisions before planting.
Cotton Harvest Aids
With proper management of the time of defoliation, cotton can be prepared for a timely harvest, which is critical in Missouri's short season environment. Learn about proper defoliation techniques and the available harvest aids in this MU Extension guide.
Starting a 300-Cow Intensive Rotational Grazing Dairy
Examine costs and returns for starting a 300-cow intensive rotational grazing Missouri dairy using capital investment assumptions and financial statements.
Plant Growth Regulators for Cotton
Plant growth regulators use in cotton in recent years have given growers a new opportunity to influence cotton growth to their advantage. However, this opportunity goes only as far as the ability of the grower to understand and use them properly.
Break-even Pricing, Revenue and Units
Learn how to find a value-added agricultural product’s break-even price and use it to set the product's price and estimate its break-even revenue and unit sales.
Commodity Futures and Options Terminology
Check out this glossary of commodity futures and options keywords and their definitions to broaden your understanding of agricultural commodities markets.
Building Sustainable Farms, Ranches and Communities
Learn about funding offered by federal programs in support of agricultural and forestry innovations, specifically, program resources in community development; sustainable land management; and value-added and diversified agriculture and forestry.
Designing a Farm Resume for Print and Online
Introduce yourself and your qualifications as a farm renter. Follow these tips to create a paper resume or LinkedIn profile for sharing with landowners.
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in Midwest Field Crops
Brown marmorated stink bug is an invasive insect herbivore that feeds on over 100 plant species. Learn how to identify, scout for and manage this pest in this illustrated University of Missouri Extension guide.
Dairy Grazing: Economics of Pasture-Based Dairies
Keeping records and tracking cost and production benchmarks can help you gauge a grazing dairy's financial performance. Read about pasture dairy performance indicators in this MU Extension guide.
Starting a 150-Cow Intensive Rotational Grazing Dairy
Examine costs and returns for starting a 150-cow intensive rotational grazing Missouri dairy using capital investment assumptions and financial statements.
Biology and Management of Japanese Beetle
Learn how to identify and control Japanese beetles to protect fruits, vegetables, field crops, ornamentals, turfgrass roots, and wild plant species in this University of Missouri Extension guide.
Converting an Existing Dairy to a 75-Cow Intensive Rotational Grazing Dairy
Examine financial feasibility of converting a conventional Missouri dairy into a 75-cow intensive rotational grazing dairy using the income and cash flow statements and budget.
Introduction to Hedging Agricultural Commodities With Futures
Hedging farm commodities in the futures market can reduce producers' price and production risk. Learn about hedging, hedging costs and when to hedge.
Short Hedge Example With Options
Learn how to place an output (short) hedge in the options market to reduce price risk when selling a product or commodity produced by your farm or business.
Crop Share Rental Agreements for Your Farm
Get a sample crop-share lease form and learn the advangtages and disadvantages of crop-share leases, basic principles, methods and concerns for developing an equitable arrangement and establishing rent, and the importance of putting it in writing.
Starting a 75-Cow Intensive Rotational Grazing Dairy
Examine financial feasibility of converting a conventional Missouri dairy into a 75-cow intensive rotational grazing dairy using the income and cash flow statements and budget.
Long Hedge Example With Options
See examples of how to place a long hedge in the options market to lock in a price when buying an agricultural input used on your farm or agribusiness.