Missouri 4-H Hall of Fame
Individuals who have created exceptional legacies of volunteer service and dedication to Missouri 4-H are recognized and honored with membership in the Missouri 4-H Hall of Fame.
Induction into the Missouri 4-H Hall of Fame caps a lifetime of 4-H involvement. Individual nominees must meet the following criteria:
- Have a minimum of twenty (20) years of volunteer service to Missouri 4-H.
- Nominees must be approved by their county 4-H council and nominations must be submitted by a county 4-H council representative or a 4-H staff member.
- Counties are limited to one (1) nomination (single person, couple or organization) per year, regardless of the number of volunteers in that county.
- Current MU Extension 4-H faculty and staff members are not eligible for this award.
- Retired or deceased MU Extension 4-H faculty or staff members with at least twenty (20) years of volunteer service to Missouri 4-H are eligible for this award.
Nominations for qualified candidates are now being accepted for the next Missouri 4-H Hall of Fame award. Nominations will be due by May 1, 2025. Nominations will only be accepted from county 4-H councils and their designated representatives.
For questions about the Missouri 4-H Hall of Fame, please contact the Missouri 4-H Foundation office or call 573-882-2680.