Elevate your farmers market success

COLUMBIA, Mo. – In celebration of National Farmers Market Week, Aug. 4-10, University of Missouri Extension has resources to help improve your local food systems awareness and polish your farmers market presence. Learn about local food systems Consumers are increasingly searching out healthy and safe food that supports their local community. Farmers can meet this demand by taking advantage of local food systems.

Intel for Ag helps sow seeds for business success

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension has developed a free online platform to help beginning and established producers start or grow their agriculture ventures. “Intel for Ag is a free toolbox that makes management concepts accessible and allows users to better determine what agricultural products might most suitable and sustainable for their individual success,” says Mallory Rahe, MU Extension associate professor and Intel…

Farm business operators can tackle labor crunch with seasonal workers

COLUMBIA, Mo. – As summer arrives in the Show-Me State, farm business operators often experience periods of fluctuating labor needs. Seasonal workers, including young people, can offer extra capacity during critical times.

Marketing matters in direct-to-consumer beef sales

FORSYTH, Mo. – Selling beef directly from the farm to consumers gained significant popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic. “Though adoption has slowed, selling direct to consumers remains a popular option for Missouri beef producers as an alternative to selling live animals, as it allows the producer to capture additional value otherwise obtained by others in the food processing chain,” said Jacob Hefley, University of Missouri…

MU Extension resources for specialty ag producers

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Missouri’s urban and specialty agriculture producers—and those considering starting an agricultural enterprise—have new business planning resources at their fingertips.

How to have conversations about conservation on leased land

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Various agencies and organizations are promoting practices for soil conservation and ecosystem improvement. These efforts, intended to maintain or improve productivity of the land, often come with financial incentives. Long-term or short-term, these practices also can affect leases and relationships between landowners and tenants.

2024 dairy returns might improve

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Prices paid in 2024 for dairy products should be similar to 2023, while net returns may be better, according to University of Missouri Extension economist Scott Brown. Brown told attendees at the 2024 Missouri Dairy Expo that average weather and feed costs will be key factors for this year’s outlook.

10 tips to bulletproof your beef operation

KIRKSVILLE, Mo. – Beef producers can use a window of profitability to make their farm business more bulletproof. University of Missouri Extension agricultural economist Joe Horner says successful beef producers can make small changes in three areas to make their farm less vulnerable to risks: plants, animals and business. Being good in just one of those three areas is not enough.

Feedstuff Finder: One-stop shop for Missouri buyers and sellers

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Farmers and ranchers have a new tool to find or list hay and co-product feedstuffs for sale: Feedstuff Finder, developed by University of Missouri Extension for individuals looking to buy or sell products.

MU Extension ag enterprise budgets updated for producers

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension crop and livestock enterprise budgets for Missouri producers have been updated at http://muext.us/MissouriAgBudgets.

A No. 2 pencil is a beef producer's best tool

COLUMBIA, Mo. – One of the most important tools for livestock producers is a sharp No. 2 pencil.The pencil and some basic arithmetic can help take the emotion out of desperate measures to find feed. When you do the math, buying grain or other alternative feeds may be the best bang for the buck, says University of Missouri Extension agricultural business specialist Wesley Tucker.

Keep your farm running smoothly with a midyear 'tuneup'

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Farmers are encouraged to conduct a midyear “farm tuneup” as they approach the middle of 2023. Just as farm equipment needs the occasional tuneup, farm management practices can use proactive examination and adjustment to keep an operation on track for the rest of the year. University of Missouri Extension recommends five steps for a midyear farm tuneup: Revisit agricultural budgets

MU Extension biosecurity trailer demonstrates Danish entry system

COLUMBIA, Mo. – A biosecurity trailer developed by University of Missouri Extension shows how poultry, swine and all livestock producers can implement a Danish entry system, a cost-effective way to reduce the transmission of pathogens when showering in and out is impractical or unavailable.

MU Extension updates custom rates for Missouri farm services

COLUMBIA, Mo. –University of Missouri Extension has published a summary of custom rates for farm services in Missouri based on a statewide online survey and solicitations by extension specialists. MU Extension asked farmers, agribusiness firms and land improvement contractors to provide rates they charged or paid in 2022 for custom services, minus the cost of materials applied.

MU Extension planning budgets can aid farmers

COLUMBIA, Mo. – As farms continue to see increased input costs and fluctuating returns in 2023, proper planning and decision-making will be critical for the year ahead. Updated enterprise planning budgets from University of Missouri Extension can help producers manage costs and project revenue for their operations.

Beef producers: 'Get your house in order' in 2023

KIRKSVILLE, Mo. – Beef producers should approach 2023 with cautious optimism – matched with resolutions of good management and investment in infrastructure, says University of Missouri Extension agriculture business specialist Wesley Tucker.

Hannibal startup shines during sunflower oil shortage

HANNIBAL, Mo. – A northeastern Missouri farm is making sunflower oil amid a global shortage linked to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Family-owned and operated, Show Me HH Farms, of Hannibal, offers cold-pressed sunflower seed oil, a primary cooking oil in many parts of the world. Sunflower oil’s light yellow color, mild flavor and ability to withstand high cooking temperatures make it a favorite of cooks.

MU Extension releases how-to videos for hiring on the farm

Learn how to hire and retain farm workers with step-by-step videos covering recruitment, onboarding, and management.

November farm management news and notes from MU Extension

COLUMBIA, Mo. – With harvest wrapping up, it is the time for producers to review their farm’s current net income and look to next year’s projections. This is also a time to explore new ways to increase on-farm revenue and evaluate new or existing lease agreements. Learn more about these topics from this month’s news and notes from University of Missouri Extension. Net farm income outlook

Tight labor market challenges farm employers to rethink compensation

PARIS, Mo. – Today’s tight labor market makes it harder for farm employers to compete for workers, says Ryan Milhollin, University of Missouri Extension agricultural economist.

Why Agriculture is Important for Everyone to Understand

Why would the average resident of southwest Missouri want to read about agriculture? For starters, we need to be knowledgeable about the sources of our food and fiber products. Surveys continue to show that most Americans no little about their food or fiber sources. This lack of knowledge about agriculture can affect public policy that directly impacts producers and consumers. That means having an agriculturally literate society is…

MU videos share cattle management practices in drought

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Drought continues to plague growers and livestock producers in parts of Missouri, especially in the southwest corner of the state, raising concerns about feed availability.“It’s a perfect storm of high fertilizer prices, reduced fertilization of pastures lending to lower hay yields and drought in the southern half of Missouri,” said Eric Bailey, University of Missouri Extension state beef specialist. “Folks are eating…

October Farm Management News and Notes from MU Extension

COLUMBIA, Mo. – As the harvest season is underway, make time to work on your farm business to set it up for success next year. Fall is an excellent time to update your farm’s short-term operating plan, make pasture investments, check to see if you are in compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and differentiate between family and business roles.Make a short-term operating plan

Off-farm income crucial to many ag producers

COLUMBIA, Mo. – Farm households increasingly rely on off-farm income. A report from University of Missouri Extension notes that, on average, 82% of farm household income comes from outside the farm. More than half of the principal operators of farms have primary jobs off the farm, said Alan Spell, MU assistant extension professor and a co-author of the report.

MU Extension guide shows how cover crops can benefit pollinators, wildlife

COLUMBIA, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension recently released guidelines for managing cover crops to benefit pollinators and wildlife.