Name Title Phone
Theresa Eads 4-H Youth Development Educator 660-665-9866
Lorna Earnest VOLUNTEER 816/805-2450
Presha Earney COUNTY OFFICE SUPPORT STAFF 573/775-2135
Sean Eberle 4-H Youth Development Educator 573-634-2824
Robin Echele Instructor, Adjunct - MU FRTI
Janet Eckstein COUNTY OFFICE SUPPORT STAFF 636/797-5391
Roger Edgar ADJUNCT INSTRUCTOR 816/235-5773
Julie Edge Technology Development & Commercialization Consultant 816-235-6074
Christina Edholm Field Specialist in Human Development 660/882-5661
Jamie Eggerman Field Specialist in Nutrition and Health 417-682-3579
Kristy Eggleston-Wood YOUTH PROGRAM ASSOCIATE 660/465-7255
Sage Eichenburch 4-H Enrollment System Coordinator 573/882-9359
Evette Eickelmann SBDC Counselor 573-341-4551
Jennifer Eldridge Houser Field Specialist in Community Health in the Northeast region 660-397-2179
Sherry Elliott Extension Accounting and Fiscal Support 573/884-3829
Roger Ellison Instructor, Adjunct - MU FRTI
Jennifer Elms Double Up Food Bucks Project Coordinator 573-882-4015
Carrie Elsen Field Specialist in Nutrition and Health 573/633-2640
Christine Elsik Professor - Animal Science 573-884-7422
Holly Enowski PROGRAM/PROJECT SUPPRT COOR II 573/882-0092
Alyssa Epperson OFFICE SUPPORT ASSISTANT III 573/882-7511
Jane Epstein COUNTY OFFICE SUPPORT STAFF 573/756-4539
Jennifer Erickson Osher Educational Director 573-882-2971
Zachary Erwin Field Specialist in Livestock 660/665-9866
Robyn Eschenbrenner ACADEMIC ADVISOR SR 573/884-1756
Julie Estes Small Business Consultant 573-756-3615
Jacob Evans Support Systems Administrator Expert - ETCS 573-884-9216
Laura Evans Field Specialist in 4-H Youth Development 816-993-2138
Timothy Evans Assoc. Prof. & State Ext. Specialist, Veterinary Medicine 573/884-9270
Displaying 1 - 29 of 29