Pastures and cattle management are very important to the profitability and sustainability of cattle operations in Cedar County and the surrounding areas. Furthermore, education to manage these aspects of your cattle operation properly could enhance its profitability. Therefore, MU Extension, Cedar County Soil and Water Conservation District and Cedar County Farm Bureau are cooperating to provide the Cedar County Livestock and Forage Conference on February 27th at 5:30 p.m. at the Stockton United Methodist Church Family Life Center at 708 State Hwy 32, Stockton, MO 65785.  

Cedar County agriculture organizations will provide updates during the event. The Cedar County Soil and Water Conservation District office, Natural Resource Conservation Service, and Farm Service Agency will provide updates on their programs. Also, a representative from Cedar County Farm Bureau will provide a legislative update.      

This conference will focus on pasture and cattle management strategies for optimum productivity and profitability. MU extension presentations and speakers are as follows: Management considerations for retaining calves post weaning by Patrick Davis, MU Extension Livestock Field Specialist   Investing in Your Farm’s Bank Account – the SOIL by Caleb O’Neal, MU Plant Science Field Specialist   

The conference is free, and a meal will be provided. Hillbilly Express Smoked Meats and Catering will be providing the meal. To register for the conference, contact the Cedar County Soil and Water Conservation District office at (417) 276-3388 EXT 3 by February 20th. 

For all other questions contact Davis at or by phone at (417) 276-3313.