Fruits and Vegetables Poster
Revised $33
Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is available as a downloadable PDF.
See the companion publication N1053, Fruits and Vegetables Eat a Rainbow handout.

Dairy SMNED handout (Bundle of 25)
Revised $12
This handout provides information regarding dairy foods in your diet.

Protein Foods handout (Bundle of 25)
Revised $12
This handout provides information regarding protein in your diet.

Be An Active Family handout (Bundle of 25)
Revised $12
This handout addresses the importance of being physically active, reviews guidelines for physical activity for families and provides tips for ways to be more physically active and less sedentary.

Sowbugs and pillbugs
This entomology guide is developed jointly by MU Extension and Lincoln University.

Plant Analysis Information Form
When submitting a sample to the lab, this sample information form should be filled out accurately for the lab to properly interpret the plant analysis. Send the original form with the plant samples.

Yearling Beef Steer Feeding Planning Budget
Use this budget to estimate costs and returns for Missouri yearling beef steers bought in November and sold in April.

Beef Backgrounding Planning Budget
Use this budget to estimate costs and returns for backgrounded steer calves in Missouri, and summarize detailed assumptions and feed requirements.

Beef Heifer Planning Budget
Use this budget to estimate costs and returns for buying beef heifer calves and selling them as bred replacement heifers in Missouri.

Hydroponic Leafy Greens Planning Budget
Use this enterprise budget as a guide to estimate the costs and returns for growing leafy greens hydroponically.

Can-Do Recipes: Pears
Revised from $1 to $20
Easy-to-prepare recipes using pears as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.

Alfalfa Establishment Planning Budget
Use this enterprise budget as a guide to estimate your production costs and returns when planting and establishing alfalfa as a forage crop in Missouri.

Can-Do Recipes: Venison
Revised from $1 to $20
Easy-to-prepare recipes using venison as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.

Can-Do Recipes: Pumpkin
Revised from $1 to $20
Easy-to-prepare recipes using pumpkin as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.

Cool Season Pasture Establishment Planning Budget
Use this enterprise budget to plan how to finance, establish and graze cool-season pastures on Missouri farms. It links to the Missouri Forage Budget Generator spreadsheet.

Corn Silage Planning Budget
Use this crop enterprise budget as a guide to estimate your production costs and revenues when growing corn silage on Missouri farms.

Can-Do Recipes: Green Beans
Revised from $1 to $20
Easy-to-prepare recipes using green beans as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.

Mixed Grass Hay Planning Budget
Use this enterprise budget to plan how to produce, finance, graze and market fescue-clover hay on Missouri farms.

Fescue Seed and Forage Planning Budget
Use this budget to plan how to produce, finance, graze and market fescue on Missouri farms. It links to the Missouri Forage Budget Generator spreadsheet.

Can-Do Recipes: Peaches
Revised from $1 to $20
Easy-to-prepare recipes using peaches as the main ingredient are displayed in this four-page flier. Additional cooking and preparation tips, measurement conversions, safety measures and cooking terms are also included.

Alfalfa Baleage Planning Budget
Use this enterprise budget as a guide to estimate your production costs and returns when producing alfalfa baleage as a forage crop on Missouri farms.

Alfalfa Small Bales Planning Budget
Use this enterprise budget to plan how to produce, finance and market alfalfa sold as small hay bales in Missouri. It links to the Missouri Forage Budget Generator spreadsheet.

Hog Finishing Planning Budget
Use this swine enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns for a Missouri hog finishing farm that buys 103 head of 40-pound pigs and sells 100 head of 280-pound hogs.

Feeder Pigs Planning Budget
Use this enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns for a Missouri swine operation raising feeder pigs, producing 22 pigs/sow/year and selling pigs at 40 pounds.

Farrow to Finish Swine Planning Budget
Use this swine enterprise budget to estimate costs and returns for a Missouri farrow-to-finish operation that produces 22 pigs/sow/year and sells hogs at 280 pounds.