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Worksites Work Group

Encourage and help worksites to promote organizational wellness to their employees statewide. We encourage workplaces to adopt policies and practices that promote individual well-being, utilizing the WorkWell Missouri Toolkit, Missouri Worksite Wellness Award and Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (DHSS) worksite wellness resources, all of which can be found on the Worksite Wellness website.

Educate and collaborate with employers about the benefits of organizational wellness policies and supportive environments that provide opportunities for overall employee well-being including mental health, healthy eating and physical activity.

  1. Provide resources to gain manager support of organizational wellness initiatives such as manager training, Work@Health training, and lunch and learns.
  2. Promote the WorkWell Missouri Toolkit with the addition of appendices that address disability, mental health, ergonomics, sleep and spirituality and other best practices to Missouri worksites through email, newsletters, social media, and member outreach.
  3. Partner with Department of Mental Health and Department of Health and Senior Services to develop interactive companion as an appendix to WorkWell Missouri Toolkit.
  4. Maintain attendance at the CDC’s “Work@Health” training annually.

Evaluation Measures

  • Objective 1: Maintain/increase attendance annually, use training evaluation feedback to guide further offerings.
  • Objective 2: Increase traffic by 5% annually to the WorkWell Missouri Toolkit webpage through December 2030.
  • Objective 3: Add final product to the WorkWell Missouri Toolkit and on the MOCAN website.
  • Objective 4: Maintain/increase attendance annually, use training evaluation feedback to guide further offerings.


Objective 1- Offered annually

Objective 2- 2025-2030

Objective 3- 2024-2027

Objective 4- 2025-2030

Support worksites across the state to apply or reapply for the Missouri Worksite Wellness Award as well as national recognition for successfully implementing a wellness program that promotes overall employee well-being.

  1. Promote the Missouri Worksite Wellness Award to Missouri worksites through email, newsletters, social media, and member outreach. Encourage the application of national recognition.
  2. Recognize worksites who have utilized best practices to develop or enhance their worksite wellness programs. Worksites will receive window clings, framed certificate, use of the award logo, recognition at the annual MOCAN Summit, worksite will be listed on the MOCAN and DHSS websites, and opportunity to share their work at the MOCAN Summit.

Evaluation Measures

  • Objective 1: Maintain/increase application submissions annually
  • Objective 2: Approved applications recognized annually


Objective 1- 2025-2030

Objective 2- October, Annually

Establish worksite guidelines and resources that support development of environmental and policy change within organizations.

  1. Create policy templates to guide worksites to facilitate creation of their own well-being policies. These will be available on the MOCAN website and WorkWell Missouri Toolkit for general use.

We will draft the following guidelines:

  • Creating a healthy eating/vending policy in the workplace
  • Providing supportive occupational balance in the workplace
  • Establishing a physical activity policy in the workplace during work breaks
  • Including private lactation rooms or making reasonable accommodations
  • Enacting a clean air policy
  • Drafting guidelines for ways to get leadership buy-in and support of wellness initiatives

Evaluation Measures

  • Number of template downloads annually or record of specific requests for documents



Find a way to see how many worksites in Missouri have wellness programs and create statewide map of organizations with worksite wellness programs in place.

  1. Collaborate with partner agencies to access data already collected.
  2. Develop a survey for employers to determine if they have wellness policies in place and if so, what the policy entails.
  3. Promote the survey statewide through our networks.

Evaluation Measures

  • Compare 2025 data to 2030 data on number of worksites with wellness programs



Work with employers to understand the importance of a diverse workforce.


Educate employers on the increasing number of employees 65+ as evidenced through Master Plan on Aging (MPA) and provide resources to support this population.

  • Offer webinars and podcasts through organizations such as Business Health Coalition (BHC), DHSS, etc.
  • Inform employers of the value of hiring, developing and retaining older workers and workers with disabilities.
  • Highlight the benefits of providing employee time off to volunteer in the community.
  • Educate employers of the benefits of pursuing various workplace programs, such as American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)’s Employer Pledge Program, which demonstrate commitment to older workers.
  • Encourage employers to provide information on civic and volunteer engagement opportunities to individuals preparing for retirement.

Evaluation Measures

  • Track listeners, participants and resource reach

