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Schools Work Group

The purpose of the Schools Work Group is to assist schools across Missouri with supporting policies and practices, environments, and education that promote healthy food choices and physical activity. This will be achieved by providing the target audiences with access to best practices, training, model policies, and resources.

Increase implementation of the CDC Coordinated School Health Approach framework and the use of Local School Wellness Policies through Missouri evidence-based assessments and development and implementation of effective school health action plans throughout Missouri Schools.
  1. Increase implementation of the Coordinated School Health Approach and the Local School Wellness Policy that affect nutrition and physical activity environments in Missouri schools by state-partner promotion and collaboration by September 30, 2030.
  2. Provide training about newly developed resources and components of the Coordinated School Health Approach and the Local School Wellness Policy to MOCAN partners, incorporating evidence-based policies, practices, programs, and services related to school nutrition and physical activity (e.g. healthy fundraisers, classroom physical activity breaks, and increased access to clean and safe drinking water) by December 31, 2025.
  3. Create and share information to targeted schools to improve reporting to be compliant with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) Local Wellness Policy through information campaigns (accomplishments/success stories, newsletters, social media, webinars, presentations, web features, and blogs) each year through September 30, 2030.

Evaluation Measures

  • Number of schools implementing the Coordinated School Health Approach and the Missouri Local School Wellness Policy
  • Professional Development events delivered by number of indicators determined to be needed for each event, such as topic, number of events, number of schools, types of participants
  • Number of resources developed by MOCAN partners (e.g. podcasts, articles, videos, etc.), for sharing with schools
  • Utilize relevant data sources for specific measures as identified at the beginning of each objective, as appropriate:
    - Missouri Nutrition services online administrative review and triennial assessment data on schools implementing Local Wellness Policies. Specific School Health Profiles Explorer – Dashboard ( - Focus Area: School Health Coordination
    - Partner Professional Development data (for example: Missouri Coordinated School Health Coalition, Alliance for Healthier Generation, etc.)


Objective 1 by September 30, 2030

Objective 2 by December 31, 2025

Objective 3 by September 30, 2030

All reviewed biannually

Increase implementation of evidence-based school nutrition and food security policies and practices with emphasis on creating more involvement with Farm to School and nutrition standards.
  1. Promote national and state school nutrition environment and service resources (guidance, strategies, and tools) that support implementation of best practices in schools and out of school time (OST) through multiple MOCAN communication methods and channels each year by each year through September 30, 2030.
  2. Establish and strengthen state partnerships to improve the school nutrition environment and services before, during and after the school day through professional development through December 31, 2030.
  3. Partner with communication professionals at state and local levels to develop and/or share success stories related to nutrition in school and OST programming to increase awareness of the successes and impacts realized through December 31, 2027.

Evaluation Measures

Utilize relevant data sources for specific measures as identified at the beginning of each objective, as appropriate:

  • School Health Profiles Explorer – Dashboard ( - Focus Area: Nutrition Environment and Services
  • YRBS Explorer (2021) | CDC Focus Area: Dietary Behaviors
  • Number and type of articles, etc. related to success stories shared


Objective 1 by September 30, 2030

Objective 2 by December 31, 2030

Objective 3 by December 31, 2027

All reviewed biannually

Increase implementation of evidenced-based Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs (CSPAP) in schools through dissemination of resources and training.
  1. Establish or strengthen state partnerships to provide training and technical assistance to schools to increase opportunities for physical activity during the school day and in out-of-school time (OST) program settings by 10% each year through December 31, 2030.
  2. Promote national and state resources (e.g. guidance documents, strategies, and tools), including those from the Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP), that support best practices in evidence-based school health policies, practices, programs and services related to physical activity in school and out-of-school time (OST) program settings through multiple MOCAN communication methods and channels each year through December 31, 2030.
  3. Partner with communication professionals at state and local levels to develop and/or share success stories related to physical activity in school and OST programming to increase awareness of the successes and impacts realized each year through December 31, 2030.

Evaluation Measures

Utilize relevant data sources for specific measures as identified at the beginning of each objective, as appropriate:

  • School Health Profiles Explorer – Dashboard ( - Focus Area: Physical Education and Physical Activity
  • Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBS Explorer (2021) | CDC) - Focus Area: Physical Activity
  • Number and type of articles, etc. related to success stories shared


Objective 1 by December 31, 2030

Objective 2 by December 31, 2030

Objective 3 by December 31, 2030

Review progress biannually