Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe: 2023, No. 4 (July/August)


Learn about the possibility of using a ceramic cooktop when canning and how to make mango chutney.

How to Can Pickled Products


Have cucumbers, will pickle. Select the best ingredients and containers. Get crisp pickles. Process for the correct amount of time in a boiling-water or steam canner. Can sauerkraut or pickle various vegetables. Learn how in this University of Missouri Ex

Growing Missouri’s Aquaculture Industry: Business Models


Learn about capital investments, production budgets, inputs and net returns for startup Missouri aquaculture operations using pond culture or recirculating aquaculture systems.

Food Safety Tips for Consumers: Meal Delivery Services


It’s important to keep food safety in mind when receiving meal deliveries or getting groceries delivered. Foodborne illnesses can occur when food isn’t handled properly. Get tips for keeping food delivered to your home safe in this fact sheet.

Funding Agricultural Business Development With Federal and State Grants


Identify federal and state grants that may fund business development for your farm or agribusiness. Learn nine steps involved in preparing a grant proposal, and pick up proposal writing best practices that will increase your odds of receiving funding.

Small Acreage Business Planning in Missouri


Learn why business planning around marketing, assets and profitability is important for launching a successful small acreage enterprise. Be sure to envision your goals as you consider enterprises.

Food Safety Tips for Consumers: GMOs


Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are foods developed using genetic engineering. Learn some basic information about labeling requirements and food safety in this fact sheet.

Vacuum and Reduced Oxygen Packaging


Reduced oxygen packaging of meats and food may offer some benefits, but you need to understand the food safety concerns and know the regulations tied to this type of packaging. Learn about these safety concerns and how to mitigate them in this fact sheet.

From the Farm to You Coloring Book


Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Food Safety Tips for Consumers: Kitchen Cleaning


It’s important to keep your kitchen clean, because germs can easily lurk on the surfaces you touch frequently. Maintaining a clean kitchen can help decrease your risk of contracting a foodborne illness. Get some kitchen cleaning tips.

Technology-based Approaches to Managing Cotton Bollworm in Bt Cotton


The bollworm (Helicoverpa zea), also known as the corn earworm, is considered the most economically damaging caterpillar pest in Texas and Mid-southern U.S. cotton production.

Elderberry Insect and Disease Management


This guide is the first known spray schedule to be developed for insect and disease control for field-grown elderberry in Missouri. Pesticide products labeled for greenhouse or high-tunnel-grown plants differ from those labeled for field-grown plants. Thus, product labels listed to control pests in this guide must be checked to determine if they may be applied legally when applied to elderberry grown under protected culture. Efficacy ratings for products are not listed in this guide as not all products have been tested at the University of Missouri.

Regulations for Selling Safe Canned Foods in Missouri — Fact Sheet


Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Growing Missouri’s Aquaculture Industry: Trends and Outlook


Learn aquaculture production trends, demand for seafood, industry competition and feed industry trends that affect Missouri’s aquaculture industry.

Solutions for Better Living | Cooking Third Edition


Healthy cooking and eating is important to everyone’s health and wellbeing. This magazine covers various health and nutrition topics with an emphasis on healthy cooking. Topics include food safety, savvy shopping and cooking with kids. This magazine offers fun, colorful and easy-to-read stories, tips and tricks on stretching your food budget, selecting and preparing in-season fruits and vegetables, how to avoid foodborne illnesses and much more.

Growing Missouri’s Aquaculture Industry: Needs Assessment


Survey based needs assessment of Missouri aquaculture producers identifies common Missouri aquaculture species, fish and pond stocking market use, and perceptions about the future of the aquaculture industry.

Soil Nitrogen Test Information Form


Editor’s note
This publication is a fillable PDF. Select the “Download this publication” button and save the form to your computer. Then either fill it in using Acrobat Reader and print it to send with your samples, or print it and fill it in by hand.

Farmers Guide to the H-2A Visa Program


Missouri employers can use the H-2A visa program to get foreign workers for agricultural jobs. Learn about the H-2A visa process, who can help, costs and employer requirements.

Let's Read About Healthy Eating — Newsletter for Pre-kindergarten Curriculum Lesson 10: Dental Health (Bundle of 25)

Reviewed $12

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Listen to Your Body handout (Bundle of 25)

New $12

This handout discusses various ways to be mindful of your hunger and listening to your body for healthy eating habits.

Building MyBody — Newsletter for Third Grade Curriculum Lesson 6: Body Cues (Bundle of 25)

Reviewed $12

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Choosing Foods for Me — Newsletter for Fourth Grade Curriculum Lesson 2: Dairy and Protein (Bundle of 25)

Reviewed $12

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Choosing Foods for Me — Newsletter for Fourth Grade Curriculum Lesson 5: The Nutrition Facts Label (Bundle of 25)

Revised $12

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Adventures in Nutrition With the Show Me Chef — Newsletter for Kindergarten Curriculum Lesson 7: Protein (Bundle of 25)

Reviewed $12

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