Managing Manure Phosphorus to Protect Water Quality
This guide defines the unique aspects of managing manure as a phosphorus fertilizer source and provides practical information about management strategies to reduce phosphorus losses from your farm.
Evaluating Vitamin Premixes for Swine
Feed is a major portion of the total costs involved in Missouri swine production. Interest in on-farm ration formulation and mixing is growing, particularly in years of short feed supplies and high prices.
Common Internal Parasites of Swine
Parasites can greatly reduce swine performance. Visit our website to learn about the Common Internal Parasites of Swine.
Mineral Supplements for Beef Cattle
Beef cattle require a number of dietary mineral elements to remain healthy. Visit our site to learn about Mineral Supplements for Beef Cattle.
How to Size a Farm and Home Water System
A farmstead water system should be able to supply the peak flow rate continuously for two hours. A home water system should be able to supply peak demand continuously for one hour. If the peak use rate exceeds the maximum well yield, provide intermediate storage.
Dairy Grazing: Herd Health
Dairy grazing publication series
This publication is one in a series about operating and managing a pasture-based dairy. Although these publications often refer to conditions in Missouri, many of the principles and concepts described may apply to operations throughout the United States.
Aflatoxins in Corn
Aflatoxin is a term used to refer to a group of extremely toxic chemicals produced by two molds. Visit our site to learn about Aflatoxins in Corn.
Food Defense: Protecting the Food Supply from Intentional Harm, Page 6
See a list of references used in development of this food defense guide.
Economic Considerations for Beef Manure Management Systems
Manure can be a valuable resource in a crop production system. Most of the beef manure produced in Missouri is dropped on pastures. The purpose of this guide is to compare the economics of three systems for collecting, storing, and transporting beef manure from confined feeding operations and applying it to the land. The three systems are solid manure systems, slurry systems (with injection into the soil) and lagoon systems in which the effluent is applied using a traveling gun (and not incorporated).
Fertilizer Nutrients in Livestock and Poultry Manure
Livestock and poultry producers: Learn how to recover a portion of the plant nutrient value of animal manure to have a salable product for use in crop production in this University of Missouri Extension guide.
Water Quality for Livestock Drinking
Water is a critical nutrient for livestock and poultry. Learn how to provide an adequate and safe water supply for livestock and poultry in this guide.
Managing Manure on Alfalfa Hay
Alfalfa is a high-quality, high-yielding, cool-season forage that can be profitably marketed as hay. Alfalfa is a desirable crop for manure applications because: