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Media LiteracySarah Wood
Assistant Extension Professor

This newsletter corresponds with Lesson 9 of the Show Me Nutrition Fourth Grade curriculum. Youths spend a lot of time in front of a screen, be it TV, video games or computers. Too much screen time is not good for our health, and can also lead to unhealthy food choices and inactivity. This newsletter suggests ways to get active and reduce screen time for the whole family.  

Publications numbers for fourth grade newsletters are: N160 (Lesson 1), N161 (Lesson 2), N162 (Lesson 3), N163 (Lesson 4), N164 (Lesson 5), N165 (Lesson 6), N166 (Lesson 7), N167 (Lesson 8), N169 (Lesson 9), N170 (Lesson 10)


  • Screen time
  • Video games
  • Computer time
  • Exercise
  • Healthy eating
  • Nutrition
  • Family activity
  • Gardening


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