The following publications cover topics related to MU Fire and Rescue Training Institute (FRTI). For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.

Fire Inspection and Code Enforcement, Ninth Edition Manual eBook
New $56
This manual covers fire dynamics, building components and services, site access, fire hazard recognition, water-based fire suppression systems, plan review and inspection procedures.
Fire and Emergency Services Orientation and Terminology, Seventh Edition Manual
$70 to $79
This manual acquaints new firefighters and fire science students with the history, traditions, terminology, organization, and operation of the fire and emergency services. It also contains descriptions of fire service organizations, operational roles, and career paths.
Hazardous Materials Technician, Third Edition Manual
New $69 to $85
This manual prepares emergency responders conducting technical, advanced, offensive operations during hazardous material incidents to meet the Technician-level certification requirements of NFPA 470, Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Standard for Responders, 2022 Edition. This manual adds to the techniques and principles learned in IFSTA’s Hazardous Materials for First Responders, Sixth Edition.
Principles of Heavy Vehicle Extrication, First Edition Manual
New $63 to $75
This manual provides rescue personnel with an understanding of the current challenges, techniques, skills and equipment available for the safe and effective extrication of victims trapped in heavy vehicles and in passenger vehicles involved in heavy vehicle incidents. It teaches heavy vehicle extrication in three levels of capability: Awareness, Operations and Technician.
Fire and Life Safety Educator, Fourth Edition Manual
New $71 to $83
This manual focuses on life safety educators assigned to the implementation, management, and administration of fire and life safety programs; and on the life safety educator’s role as an integral part of a department’s or organization’s community risk reduction program.
Fire Investigator, Third Edition Manual
New $63 to $75
Fire investigation is the compilation and analysis of information related to fire and explosions, usually to determine the origin and cause of a fire. To be successful, fire investigators must rely on scientific principles and research to reach their conclusions. This manual provides fire and emergency services personnel and civilian inspectors with the information necessary to meet the job performance requirements (JPRs) of NFPA 1033.
Hazardous Materials for First Responders, Sixth Edition Manual
New $71 to $85
This manual prepares first responders to take appropriate initial actions at hazardous materials spills or releases and weapons of mass destruction incidents. It provides fire and emergency services personnel with the information necessary to meet the job performance requirements (JPRs) of NFPA 470, Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Standard for Responders, 2022 Edition.
Hazardous Materials for First Responders, Sixth Edition Workbook
New $35
This workbook includes more than 900 questions and activities covering all 16 chapters of Hazardous Materials for First Responders, Sixth Edition Manual. Each item is page referenced so the user can quickly find the topic to review in the manual.
Structural Fire Fighting: Initial Response Strategy and Tactics, Third Edition Manual
New $69 to $80
This manual prepares the reader to serve as the incident commander who must evaluate an incident, assign resources and coordinate the incident plan. It encompasses decision-making during emergency response, especially initial decisions upon arrival, and incident planning.
Hazardous Materials for First Responders, Sixth Edition Exam Prep
New $30
This exam prep is a self-study tool for students preparing for end-of-course tests and the written portion of a certification exam. It includes 729 questions divided among all 16 chapters of Hazardous Materials for First Responders, Sixth Edition Manual. Each question is page referenced so the user can quickly find the topic the manual.
Hazardous Materials for First Responders, Sixth Edition Manual and Exam Prep Package
New $100
Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a package that is available for purchase in print.
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Hazardous Materials for First Responders, Sixth Edition Instructor Resource Kit
New $205
Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a package that is available for purchase.
To order publications for a tax-exempt organization, contact for instructions.
Hazardous Materials for First Responders, Sixth Edition Manual and Workbook Package
New $105
Save when you purchase the Hazardous Materials for First Responders, Sixth Edition Manual and Workbook package.
Principles of Passenger Vehicle Extrication, Fifth Edition Manual
New $64 to $75
This manual provides rescue personnel with an understanding of the current challenges, techniques, skills and equipment available for the safe and effective extrication of victims trapped in passenger vehicles. It teaches passenger vehicle extrication in three levels of capability by orientation or vehicle position and follows the same linear sequence a rescuer will encounter at a vehicle extrication incident from size-up through disentanglement.
Youth Firesetting Prevention and Intervention, First Edition Manual
New $60 to $68
This manual will equip interventionists and program managers with the tools needed to create, implement, and evaluate a Youth Firesetting Prevention and Intervention program. The first six chapters of the book are for the interventionist while the last two chapters speak directly to the program manager.
Public Information Officer, Second Edition Manual
New $49
This manuals provides basic skills and awareness training for fire department public information officers (PIOs). It has been constructed to meet current recognized guidelines and practices in the field and features an overview of the skills and knowledge a PIO needs to perform the diverse and demanding tasks associated with the position.
Leadership for the Wildland Fire Officer: Leading in a Dangerous Profession, Second Edition Manual
New $69 to $80
This manual addresses various supervisory and leadership positions of wildland firefighting outlined by the National Wildfire Coordinators Group (NWCG). Chapters 1–5 are an excellent tool for any current or future leader in fire service. Chapters 6–9 deal with the situational and tactical processes a wildland fire officer faces daily. Following Chapter 9 is an addendum containing 15 after-action reports of “Fires We Should Not Forget” as well as the lesson learned from each fire.
Live Fire Instructor, First Edition Manual
New $59 to $68
This manual serves as a structured template for instructors tasked with the responsibility of facilitating live fire training. Live fire training requires instructors strictly follow guidelines and mandates due to the potential of injury or death among participants. This manual has been constructed to meet current recognized guidelines and practices in the field, with a specific focus on leadership, safety and supervision.
Introduction to Active Shooter/Hostile Event Response, First Edition Manual
New $40 to $48
This manual defines how to establish an ASHER training program on the local level, how to conduct threat assessment of your community, how to coordinate response with other responders, and how to recover from an ASHE. It is the only fire service training manual available on this topic.
Fire and Emergency Services Company Officer, Sixth Edition Manual
New $70 to $75
This manual provides emergency services personnel with skills needed to reach the performance requirements of NFPA 1021. The text is written for Level I and Level II fire officers and fire officer candidates. Its goal is to provide candidates and current company officers with the knowledge needed to develop safe, efficient and effective leadership skills.
Marine Fire Fighting for Land-Based Firefighters, Third Edition Manual
New $70 to $85
The purpose of this manual is to provide land-based (shoreside) fire service personnel with the training, knowledge, technical information, and reference materials necessary for the safe and effective management of marine fire incidents. The content of this manual is written to meet the job performance requirements of NFPA 1005, the National Fire Protection Association’s Standard for Professional Qualifications for Marine Fire Fighting for Land-Based Fire Fighters, 2019 Edition.
Chief Officer, Fourth Edition Manual
New from $65 to $80
This manual aims to provide the knowledge and skills base for Fire Officer III and IV candidates that is required by the NFPA 1021 job performance requirements. The text provides students with information about a chief officer's responsibility to supervise, manage, and administer fire and emergency services organizations.
Chief Officer, Fourth Edition Exam Prep
New $29
This Exam Prep is designed to be used as a self-study tool for students to prepare for comprehensive end of course tests and the written portion of a certification exam. It contains more than 500 multiple choice questions based on the Chief Officer, Fourth Edition Manual.
Fire Service Hydraulics and Water Supply, Third Edition Manual
New $80 to $93
This manual covers the basics of water and water flow, theoretical and practical methods of determining water flow and pressure loss, types of pumps and fire apparatus used to move water, relay pumping operations, fire pump testing, and effectively supplying sprinkler and standpipe systems. It also discusses recent research on updating friction loss coefficients for the modern fire hose.
Live Fire Training Principles and Practice, Second Edition Manual
New $110
This manual provides a definitive guide on how to ensure safe and realistic live fire training for both students and instructors. It addresses all the requirements for NFPA 1403, Standard on Live Fire Training Evolutions, 2018 Edition.