The following publications might be of particular interest to people in Oregon County. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.
Seasonal and Simple: A Guide for Enjoying Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Seasonal and simple is a guide to help you select, store and prepare fresh fruits and vegetables. Check out the free app and publication.
Missouri Fencing and Boundary Laws
Find what farmers and landowners need to know about fencing duties, rights and boundaries provided in Missouri's fencing law and a local option counties can adopt.
Reducing Losses When Feeding Hay to Beef Cattle
Feeding hay to cattle is expensive, mostly due to waste. Learn good management practices to minimize the losses that occur due to poor storage methods, improper feeding methods, or both.
Soil Sampling Hayfields and Row Crops
Collecting a representative soil sample is an important step in developing a nutrient plan for your farm. Make smarter management decisions and more efficient use of fertilizer nutrients by learning how to plan and take soil samples from your fields in th
Soil Sampling Pastures
Collecting a representative soil sample is an important step in developing a nutrient plan for your farm. The goals of your soil sampling plan should be to
Warm-Season Annual Forage Crops
Annual warm-season grasses can be used as part of a year-round grazing system in Missouri. Visit our site to learn about Warm-Season Annual Forage Crops.
Liming Missouri Soils
Missouri Limestone Quality: What Is ENM?
Can you get a ton's worth of agricultural limestone out of a ton of agricultural limestone? Probably not. The effectiveness of agricultural limestone depends on two factors:
Oregon County Courthouse
Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.
Editor’s note
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