The following publications might be of particular interest to people in Lewis County. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.
Prevention of Poultry Disease
An adequate disease prevention program is essential to a profitable commercial poultry operation. Chronic diseases can reduce efficiency and increase costs. Learn the sources of poultry diseases and measures that can be taken to prevent them.
Control of Poultry Disease Outbreaks
Poultry owners should immediately begin an investigation if a disease is suspected in a flock. Obvious disease signs and symptoms can be identified on the farm, while others may require laboratory assistance for proper diagnosis.
Basics of AI: Avian Influenza
Guide to Estrus Synchronization Products
Several protocols and other resources allow beef producers to effectively synchronize estrus and ovulation in the herd. Read this guide for an overview of the function, handling considerations, and proper administration of estrus synchronization products.
Split-Time AI: Using Estrus Detection Aids to Optimize Timed Artificial Insemination
Timed artificial insemination pregnancy rates in heifers can be optimized with a split-time AI approach. Estrotect estrus detection aids allow producer to determine the estrous status of females. Learn about the protocols in this MU Extension guide.
Evaluating Vitamin Premixes for Swine
Feed is a major portion of the total costs involved in Missouri swine production. Interest in on-farm ration formulation and mixing is growing, particularly in years of short feed supplies and high prices.
Antibiotics and Other Additives for Swine: Food Safety Considerations
The term antibiotic means "against life" or "destructive to life." An antibiotic is a natural compound synthesized by a living organism that inhibits the growth of another living organism.
Top Money-Saving Practices on Missouri Poultry Farms
The poultry industry continues to be an important component of Missouri's economy, with the 2007 census reporting $1,676,632,000 in sales. This figure represents 16.8 percent of Missouri's agricultural sales and ranks third in sales in Missouri only behind grain crops and cattle. Poultry operations are highly efficient environments in which temperature, humidity and lighting are closely monitored to raise high-quality birds.
Freeze Branding Cattle
Small Flock Series: Brooding and Growing Chicks
Raising a flock of chickens can be difficult. Visit our website today to view our Small Flock Series: Brooding and Growing Chicks.
Recommendations for Aging Beef
The main reason for aging beef is to improve the tenderness and the flavor of the meat. Visit our site for recommendations for aging beef.
Hardware Disease of Cattle
Hardware disease of cattle is produced by a sharp object that pierces the stomach wall and gains access to the heart. Visit our site to learn more.
Hot Weather Livestock Stress
During periods of high temperatures and humidity, livestock losses can occur from hot weather stress.
Common Internal Parasites of Cattle
Johne’s Disease or Paratuberculosis
Sheep Pregnancy Checking by Ultrasonic Sound
Ultrasonic sound waves can be used to determine sheep pregnancy without harming the ewe or fetus. Learn how the procedure works and pregnancy is diagnosed in this University of Missouri Extension guide.
Bovine Leukosis
Lewis County Courthouse
Missouri Courthouses
Contact and other information about this county is available on the National Association of Counties website.
Editor’s note
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