Helpful resources for farmer's markets in Cedar County
MU Extension publication G6223, Starting and Operating a Farmers Market: Frequently Asked Questions — Covers a wide variety of issues to make a market successful and legal
MU Extension publication MP906, Community Gardening Toolkit — Resources to help those interested in starting a community garden
MU Extension publication G6222, Selling Strategies for Local Food Producers
MU Extension publication G6221, Marketing Vegetables in Missouri
AgSquared — Record-keeping software tailor-made for small farms. See Missouri Beginning Farming's review of AgSquared.
Small Farms and Alternative Enterprise Budgets — Know your costs for small-scale fresh-market farming. These budgets are based on 100-foot row gardening.
USDA Farmers Marketing Fact Sheets — Many resources for growers wanting to direct-market their products
Whole Animal Buying Guide for Consumers — This Iowa State University Extension and Outreach publication explains buying pork and beef as whole animals (or portions thereof) from local producers. Covers marketing terms, information on storage and handling, meat inspection, meat cut out weight, and includes color photos of common retail beef and pork cuts.
Know Your Farmer, Know Your Food Program (PDF) — A USDA-wide effort with case studies about better connecting consumers with local producers.
Farmers Market Terminal Prices — USDA listing of current wholesale prices for fruits and vegetables
Missouri Alternatives Center — Information on alternative agriculture enterprises. Click on the “Link List - Extension Information on Alternatives” to search for a particular enterprise, or call 636-797-5391.
Free water analysis to comply with Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule water testing requirements. See the instructions and water sample submission form.
Food Safety After a Flood (PDF) — Kansas State University
Frequently-Asked Questions About Handling Flooded Produce (PDF) — Kansas State University
MU Extension publication MP914, Food Defense: Protecting the Food Supply from Intentional Harm — This guide helps train food producers, processors and retailers to minimize the risk of intentional contamination of the food supply by developing a food defense plan for their operation. Food defense is not the same as food safety or biosecurity, which both mean protecting the food supply from unintentional contamination.
FAQs for Sales by Farmers at Farmers Markets — Answers about sales taxes from Missouri Department of Revenue
Guide to U.S. Organic Certifiers — Select and compare those who do organic certification and the kinds of services they provide
Missouri Department of Revenue Form 149: Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certificate (PDF)
Missouri Revised Statute 261-241: Sellers of honey — Health standards exemption and labeling requirements
Missouri Farmers Market Report — Pricing information and market trends for food products around the state
AgriMissouri Buyer's Guide — A Missouri Department of Agriculture outreach program that promotes Missouri-grown and Missouri-made items, representing food and non-food products, retailers, farmers markets, agritourism and agricultural experience destinations
Mid-America Organic Association — Lists news, events, resources and a buyer's guide for organic products in Missouri
Show Me Food — Search for the Missouri farmers market nearest you
Missouri Produce Auctions — Search for the Missouri produce auction nearest you
Farmers Market Online — Market your home-crafted and home-grown products online
National Farmers Markets Directory — Searchable USDA listing of contact information for farmers' markets throughout the U.S.
Ordering information for pest management reference books (PDF)
Identifying Diseases of Vegetables — Pennsylvania State University reference book that is applicable to Missouri
Bugs and Other Insects from the State of Missouri — Insect identification database
Insects in Kansas — Kansas Department of Agriculture reference book that is applicable to Missouri
Stop Brown Marmorated Stink Bug — The site includes information on how to identify the stink bug, where it has been found, and steps to help manage this bug that damages a huge range of fruit, vegetable and ornamental crops.
Produce Fact Sheets — Great resource from University of California on post-harvest handling of fruits, vegetables and flowers
The Commercial Storage of Fruits, Vegetables, and Florist and Nursery Stocks (PDF) — USDA Ag Handbook #66 is a 130-page guide that discusses factors that affect the maintenance of quality during cold storage
Low-Cost Cold Storage Room for Market Growers — A 4-page design guide from the University of Kentucky
Small-Scale Cold Rooms for Perishable Commodities (PDF) — A 11-page design guide from the University of California-Davis
On-Farm Cold Storage of Fall-Harvested Fruit and Vegetable Crops (PDF) — An 8-page overview of an 84-page University of Wisconsin handbook
Build your own cooler — Resources from the makers of the Cool-Bot air conditioner controller