Physical activity : program
A Matter of Balance helps adults 60 years old and up realize that falls — and the fear of falling — are controllable. The program provides information on ways to change your environment to limit risk factors that contribute to falling, and will help you find strength and balance exercises to reduce…
Life expectancy for American men has been falling in recent years, widening an existing gap in the expected lifespans of men and women. The Health Information for Men (HIM) program aims to help change that by providing information on the latest findings on health-related topics.
MOCAN is a partner-driven council of professionals across the state collaborating to implement and support policy changes that will improve the health and quality of life of Missourians.
Performance Nutrition: The Competitive Edge is a six-module program that shows athletes, parents and coaches how to use proper nutrition before, during and after competition to help athletes perform their best and avoid injury.
Join us to build the strength you need to enjoy good health as you age. Stay Strong, Stay Healthy (SSSH) is an eight-week exercise program that incorporates the latest research to help you develop the fitness, flexibility and balance that will enable you to live independently longer.
Strength in Numbers helps you set and meet your healthy lifestyle goals. On topics ranging from eating right on a budget to mindfulness techniques that help manage stress, the program offers expert information paired with a proven goal-setting technique to set you on a path to better health.
The Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention program is designed to improve multiple aspects of health through slow, gentle movements that can be practiced almost anywhere.
Whether you need relief from arthritis pain or just want to be active, the Arthritis Foundation’s six week Walk With Ease program can teach you how to safely make physical activity part of your everyday life.