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Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe: 2025, No. 1 (January/February)


A newsletter for those who preserve food at home.

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Trail Riding Checklist


One of the most important things for trail riding is to make sure you know what to bring for people, horses and camping. Use this checklist to help pack for trail rides of all kinds.

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Community Pleasure Trail Riding


Missouri has many scenic and challenging trails for riders. Many areas with streams, rivers, hills and trees have numerous trails on which local groups can ride.

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Haltering and Tying Horses


Halters are designed to help catch, hold, lead and tie horses and ponies. A rider may choose to have a specific halter for each horse, or they can select one of the correct size and adjust it to fit any horse.

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SNAP Outreach Thank You Card (Bundle of 50)

New $26

This promotional piece is intended for Family Nutrition Education Program employees to use as needed.

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A Taste of Missouri — December — Spaghetti Squash

New $3.25

Easy-to-prepare recipes and tips for using spaghetti squash are displayed in this eight-page flier. Additional seasonal recipes, ingredients, tips, and safety measures are also included.

Cover art for publication MP909

Seasonal and Simple: A Guide for Enjoying Fresh Fruits and Vegetables


Seasonal and simple is a guide to help you select, store and prepare fresh fruits and vegetables. Check out the free app and publication.

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Termite Pest Control (Category 7B)


This manual covers identification and control of termites and wood-destroying species of beetles, ants and bees. It prepares pesticide applicators for a Category 7B, Wood-Destroying Pest Management, certification test given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

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Aquatic Pest Control (Category 5)


This manual is part of Missouri's Pesticide Applicator Training Program. It prepares pesticide applicators for a Category 5, Aquatic Pest Control, certification test given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

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Ornamental and Turf Pest Control (Category 3)


This manual is part of Missouri's Pesticide Applicator Training Program. It prepares pesticide applicators for a Category 3, Ornamental and Turf Pest Control, certification test given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

mp699 cover image

Seasonal and Simple App flyer (bundle of 100)

Revised $15

Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is available as a downloadable PDF. It is also available for purchase in bundles of 100 flyers. See the companion publication MP909, Seasonal and Simple: A Guide for Enjoying Fresh Fruits and Vegetables.

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Elderberry Planning Budget


Use this enterprise budget as a guide to estimate your production costs and returns for producing elderberries in Missouri.

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Agricultural Plant Pest Control (Category 1A)


This manual is part of Missouri's Pesticide Applicator Training Program. It prepares pesticide applicators for a Category 1A, Agricultural Plant Pest Control, certification test given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

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Pesticide Dealers


This manual is part of Missouri's Pesticide Applicator Training Program. It provides assistance in passing an examination required to obtain a Missouri Pesticide Dealer license from the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

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Millipedes and centipedes


This entomology guide is developed jointly by MU Extension and Lincoln University.

Revised by Emily R. Althoff
Assistant Extension Professor, State Extension Specialist of Urban Entomology

Healthy Eating on the Go handout.

Healthy Eating on the Go handout (Bundle of 25)

Revised $12

This handout highlights different protein choices, reviews nutrients and fat provided, and provides tips for making lean protein choices and incorporating a variety of protein foods into a healthy diet.

Cover art for publication N1020

The Facts on Fat Poster

Revised $33

This poster explains how much dietary fat is recommended daily and provides a list of foods with healthy fats. It also discusses saturated fat and provides tips on limiting it.

Cover art for publication N1006

Whole Grains handout (Bundle of 25)

Revised $12

This handout provides information regarding whole grains in your diet.

Cover art for publication N1019

The Facts on Fat Handout (Bundle of 25)

Revised $12

This handout explains how much dietary fat is recommended daily and provides a list of foods with healthy fats. It also discusses saturated fat and provides tips on limiting it.

Cover art for publication N1039

Nutrition and Learning handout (Bundle of 25)

New $12

This handout reviews the role of nutrition in learning and how hunger can impact learning. Tips for starting the day with breakfast, refueling midday and after school snacks are discussed.

Cover art for publication N1044

Build a Healthy Plate Poster

Revised $33

Learn about the latest dietary guidelines, including eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lower-fat dairy products; eating less sugar, fat, salt/sodium; varying protein choices; and balancing calories for weight maintenance.

Cover art for publication N1050

Dig In To Good Health poster

Revised $33

Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is available as a downloadable PDF.
See the companion publication N1049, Dig In To Good Health handout.

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Grain Sorghum Planning Budget


Use this crop enterprise budget as a guide to estimate your production costs and returns when growing sorghum in Missouri.

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Winter Wheat Planning Budget


Use this crop enterprise budget as a guide to estimate your production costs and returns when growing winter wheat on Missouri farms.

Cover art for publication N1148

Food Allergies handout (Bundle of 25)

Revised $12

This handout addresses the importance of food allergy awareness and tips for managing allergies.

Displaying 1 - 25 of 2480