Understanding and Implementing the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives, First Edition Manual

New $73 to $88

This book provides a detailed overview and implementation strategies for the 16 Fire Fighter Life Safety Initiatives that were developed by the NFFF at their landmark summit in 2004.

Propagating Pecan and Black Walnut in Missouri


Learn three pecan and black walnut tree grafting techinques — three-flap graft, bark graft, arrowhead graft — and how to germinate seeds in this illustrated University of Missouri Extension guide.

Food Defense: Protecting the Food Supply from Intentional Harm, Page 3


The first step in developing a food defense plan is to conduct a vulnerability assessment. The work sheet lists points of potential vulnerability to assess in your operation.

Food Defense: Protecting the Food Supply from Intentional Harm, Page 6


See a list of references used in development of this food defense guide.

Food Defense: Protecting the Food Supply from Intentional Harm


Even a mere threat to the food and agriculture sector could cause havoc within the food supply chain and have far-reaching consequences on the economy, human health and consumer confidence.

Food Defense: Protecting the Food Supply from Intentional Harm, Page 4


Managing your food defense plan may include periodic tests and annual reviews to see if the plan is still effectively reducing the risk of intentional contamination or if it needs to be updated to reflect changes in your operation.

Food Defense: Protecting the Food Supply from Intentional Harm, Page 7


These publications are helpful resources related to food defense, which you may want to refer to when developing your food defense plan.

Food Defense: Protecting the Food Supply from Intentional Harm, Page 2


Having a food defense plan for your operation can reduce the risk of intentional contamination to your operation and may ultimately benefit your bottom line.

Food Defense: Protecting the Food Supply from Intentional Harm, Page 5


This glossary spells out abbreviations and acronyms related to food defense.

Using Integrated Pest Management in Greenhouses and Herbaceous Nurseries


James Quinn
Horticulture Extension Specialist

David Trinklein
Division of Plant Sciences

Raymond A. Cloyd
Ornamental Entomology/Integrated Pest Management
Kansas State University

Rice Blast Control


Blast, also called rotten neck, is one of the most destructive diseases of Missouri rice. Learn about rice blast control in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

Cotton Disease and Nematode Management


Allen Wrather
Division of Plant Sciences
Delta Center

Laura Sweets
Division of Plant Sciences

Cotton sales are important to the economies of many nations, including the United States. Sales can help balance trade with cotton-buying countries.

Rice Sheath Blight Control


Sheath blight is the most destructive disease Missouri rice growers face. Learn about sheath blight symptoms, causes and control; fungicide use; and scouting in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

Growing Black Walnut for Nut Production


Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

William Reid
Nut Crops Specialist
Kansas State University

Mark Coggeshall
Tree Improvement Specialist
Center for Agroforestry

Cotton Nematodes in Missouri: Your Hidden Enemies


Allen Wrather
Division of Plant Sciences
Delta Center

Laura Sweets
Division of Plant Sciences

Seasonal and Simple: A Guide for Enjoying Fresh Fruits and Vegetables


Seasonal and simple is a guide to help you select, store and prepare fresh fruits and vegetables. Check out the free app and publication.

Challenges and Choices: Emotional Well-Being—Women’s Self-Esteem


Karen DeBord
Department of Human Development and Family Studies

Self-esteem is how you feel about yourself. It is an image you create. This is not just one image, but many images. How do you see yourself in your many roles?

Step back and take a look at yourself from a distance by answering the questions in the chart below.

Homebuyer’s Resource Guide: Home Ownership Made Easier


Sharon Leigh
Extension Associate

Atiya Mahmood
Environmental Design State Specialist

Do you dream about living in your own home someday?

Understanding and Encouraging Your Young Child’s Large Motor Development


Betty Lou Barsley-Marra
Department of Human Development and Family Studies

Challenges and Choices: Family Health


Gail R. Carlson
State Health Education Specialist

Most women capably juggle their many responsibilities as long as everyone stays healthy. However, when a family member becomes ill, women are faced with that dreaded decision, "Do I stay home or do I go to work?" For many women this becomes a no-win situation.

Bridging the Gap: Intergenerational Interactions


Karen B. DeBord and Vikki Flanagan
Department of Human Development and Family Studies

Keeping the Roof Over Your Head, A Consumer Guide to Homeowners Insurance


Family Financial Education Extension

Sleep Soundly: How to establish good sleep habits for your children


Ashley Blake
Graduate assistant

Cambio de Colores — Latinos in Missouri: Conference Abstracts 2006-2008


Proceedings of the 2006, 2007, 2008 annual conferences

Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

Proceedings of the Symposium on Sustainability in Vineyards and Wineries


Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.

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