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Cover of Understanding and Implementing the 16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives, 1st Edition Manual.This textbook was developed as a joint project between the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) and Fire Protection Publications (FPP). It provides a detailed overview and implementation strategies for the 16 Fire Fighter Life Safety Initiatives that were developed by the NFFF at their landmark summit in 2004. Each of the chapters was written by a different highly respected fire service subject matter expert on that topic. This text provides the information necessary to meet the FESHE Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival (associate degree level) and Advanced Principles in Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival (bachelor degree level) courses.

Product specifications

Printed version specs

ISBN: 978-0-87939-416-5

Pages: 316

E-book specs

ISBN: 978-0-87939-475-2

For more information, see e-book details and policies.

Publication No. FR36870
Price $88