Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe: 2024, No. 1 (January/February)
Home Canning for Family vs. Home Canning for SaleShow Me Nutrition: Second Grade — Grains Guide poster
New $33
This 24-by-36-inch poster is designed to help instructors create a reference board to identify different types of grains. It is one of the posters designed to be used with the Show Me Nutrition, Second Grade curriculum.
A Taste of Missouri — December — Broccoli
New $3.25
Easy-to-prepare recipes and tips for using broccoli are displayed in this eight-page flier. Additional seasonal recipes, ingredients, tips, and safety measures are also included.
Sugar vs. Saltines Poster
Revised $10
Use this poster to learn about the information on a Nutrition Facts label, provides side-by-side comparison of Nutrition Facts labels for a packet of sugar and a serving of crackers.
Parts of a Plant poster
New $33
This 24x36 inch poster is a companion publication for the Kids in the Kitchen – Level A curriculum and the activities included. It helps highlight the different parts of a plant and how they relate to nutrition.
Roses: Selecting and Planting
Roses are well adapted to many different environmental conditions. They are useful as landscape plants and prized as cut flowers. Since they are the product of centuries of breeding and selection, many shapes, forms, and colors provide endless types to select from and use.
Second Grade Curriculum: Food Group Express, Fifth Edition
Revised $45
This curriculum teaches students that eating a variety of healthy foods plus being active leads to good health. It also covers healthy body image and how to be smart consumers by knowing the techniques advertisers use to persuade consumers to buy food.
Fifth Grade Curriculum: Exploring the Food Groups, Fifth Edition
Revised $45
This curriculum encourages students to eat a variety of food from the five food groups each day. It also covers key nutrients the body needs to stay healthy; the best ways to ensure bodies get the types of healthy foods they need; the importance of physical activity, body acceptance and food choices; and truth in advertising.
MyPlate Food Poster
Reviewed $33
Encourage healthy eating habits with this colorful poster of the MyPlate dietary recommendations. MyPlate promotes making healthy food and beverage choices from the five food groups: fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins and dairy. Order your poster from U
Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe: 2023, No. 6 (November/December)
Pumpkins galore! Pumpkin bread, muffins, soup, desserts and beverages are very popular in the fall and winter.
Third Grade Curriculum: Building MyBody, Fifth Edition
Revised $45
This curriculum covers how to use the current USDA food graphic to plan meals and choose foods from all the food groups. Students are encouraged to start the day with breakfast and learn to pay attention to body cues that help them know when they have eaten and exercised enough.
A Taste of Missouri — November — Sweet Potatoes
New $3.25
Easy-to-prepare recipes and tips for using sweet potatoes are displayed in this eight-page flier. Additional seasonal recipes, ingredients, tips, and safety measures are also included.
Selecting Cover Crop Seeding Machinery
Learn about different cover crop seeding machines and their operational features. Understand their strengths and weaknesses to reduce planting costs, the second largest expense in growing cover crops.
Breeding Season Considerations for Sheep and Goats
When fall nears and daylight becomes shorter, sheep and goats are ready for breeding. This guide highlights management practices to ensure profitability during the breeding season.
Jump Ahead With Food Safety Board Game Poster
New $10
This 11-by-17-inch poster is designed to be the Jump Ahead with Food Safety game board. It is one posters designed to be used with the Show Me Nutrition, Second Grade curriculum.
A Taste of Missouri — October — Pumpkin
New $3.25
Easy-to-prepare recipes and tips for using pumpkin are displayed in this eight-page flier. Additional seasonal recipes, ingredients, tips, and safety measures are also included.
Theileria orientalis: An Emerging Cattle Disease in Missouri
Learn about Theileria orientalis (Ikeda genotype), a protozoal organism that primarily effects cattle and is relatively new in the U.S. This guide covers transmission, disease stages, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention and control.
Aprendiendo Nutrición con el Chef — Boletín de educación nutricional para niños en preescolar — Lección 4 (Paquete de 25)
Revised $12
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Aprendiendo Nutrición con el Chef — Boletín de educación nutricional para niños en cuarto grado — Lección 3 (Paquete de 25)
Revised $12
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Aprendiendo Nutrición con el Chef — Boletín de educación nutricional para niños en el kínder — Lección 9 (Paquete de 25)
Revised $12
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Aprendiendo Nutrición con el Chef — Boletín de educación nutricional para niños en cuarto grado — Lección 6 (Paquete de 25)
Revised $12
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Aprendiendo Nutrición con el Chef — Boletín de educación nutricional para niños en cuarto grado — Lección 9 (Paquete de 25)
Revised $12
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Aprendiendo Nutrición con el Chef — Boletín de educación nutricional para niños en primer grado — Lección 2 (Paquete de 25)
Revised $12
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Aprendiendo Nutrición con el Chef — Boletín de educación nutricional para niños en quinto grado — Lección 2 (Paquete de 25)
Revised $12
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