G462 cover image and thumbnail

Beef Feeding Profitability Tracker


Learn how to use the Beef Feeding Profitability Tracker tool, a financial analysis spreadsheet tool for small to mid-size cattle feeders to use free of charge.

G6203 cover image and thumbnail

Common Diseases in the Home Garden


Parasitic diseases and nonparasitic disorders can cause serious vegetable losses in home gardens.

G852 publication cover.

Missouri Slaughter and Inspection Requirements for Livestock and Poultry Producers


Livestock producers can capture value by selling value-added meat products. Review meat inspection requirements and reach out to the Missouri Department of Agriculture’s Meat and Poultry Inspection Program as your first step.

hes162 cover image

Preserve It Fresh, Preserve It Safe: 2025, No. 1 (January/February)


A newsletter for those who preserve food at home.

G2884 cover image and thumbnail

Community Pleasure Trail Riding


Missouri has many scenic and challenging trails for riders. Many areas with streams, rivers, hills and trees have numerous trails on which local groups can ride.

G2844 cover image and thumbnail

Haltering and Tying Horses


Halters are designed to help catch, hold, lead and tie horses and ponies. A rider may choose to have a specific halter for each horse, or they can select one of the correct size and adjust it to fit any horse.

G2885 cover image and thumbnail

Trail Riding Checklist


One of the most important things for trail riding is to make sure you know what to bring for people, horses and camping. Use this checklist to help pack for trail rides of all kinds.

cover image

SNAP Outreach Thank You Card (Bundle of 50)

New $26

This promotional piece is intended for Family Nutrition Education Program employees to use as needed.


University of Missouri Extension County Council Best Practices Guide - Page 4


Section 3: MU Extension’s Roles, Responsibilities, and Organizational Structure

The University of Missouri (MU) Extension's success relies on multi-level collaboration among federal, state, and local governments. Each level has clearly defined roles and responsibilities to ensure effective statewide delivery of educational resources.

Cover art for publication MP909

Seasonal and Simple: A Guide for Enjoying Fresh Fruits and Vegetables


Seasonal and simple is a guide to help you select, store and prepare fresh fruits and vegetables. Check out the free app and publication.

n1417 cover image

A Taste of Missouri — December — Spaghetti Squash

New $3.25

Easy-to-prepare recipes and tips for using spaghetti squash are displayed in this eight-page flier. Additional seasonal recipes, ingredients, tips, and safety measures are also included.


University of Missouri Extension County Council Best Practices Guide - Page 2


Section 1: The Vision & Mission

At the University of Missouri Extension, we are dedicated to serving as a premier educational resource that enhances the quality of life locally, nationally, and globally.


University of Missouri Extension County Council Best Practices Guide - Page 5


Section 4: Duties & Legal Aspects

An ideal University of Missouri Extension Council and its members embody a range of essential qualities and responsibilities that ensure the effective oversight and implementation of MU Extension activities at the county level, fostering a strong connection between the council and the community it serves.


University of Missouri Extension County Council Best Practices Guide - Page 3


Section 2: Historical Context

For over 100 years, MU Extension has empowered people by disseminating research-based knowledge and practical experience, helping them lead more productive and satisfying lives.

m87 cover image thumbnail

General Ag - Private Pesticide Applicator Reference Manual (Category 20)

Revised $60

This manual is meant to be used as a training aid for private applicators who wish to be certified to apply restricted use pesticides.

m96 cover image thumbnail

Termite Pest Control (Category 7B)

Revised $25

This manual covers identification and control of termites and wood-destroying species of beetles, ants and bees. It prepares pesticide applicators for a Category 7B, Wood-Destroying Pest Management, certification test given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

m99 cover photo thumbnail

Aquatic Pest Control (Category 5)

Revised $30

This manual is part of Missouri's Pesticide Applicator Training Program. It prepares pesticide applicators for a Category 5, Aquatic Pest Control, certification test given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

Cover art for publication M88

Right-of-Way Pest Control (Category 6)

Revised $40

This manual prepares pesticide applicators for a Category 6, Right-of-Way Pest Control, certification test given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

m89 cover thumbnail

Ornamental and Turf Pest Control (Category 3)

Revised $45

This manual is part of Missouri's Pesticide Applicator Training Program. It prepares pesticide applicators for a Category 3, Ornamental and Turf Pest Control, certification test given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

Cover art for publication M95

General Structural Pest Control (Category 7A)

Revised $40

This manual prepares pesticide applicators for a Category 7A, General Structural Pest Control, certification test given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

M98 thumbnail and cover image

Public Health Pest Control (Category 8)

Revised $40

This manual prepares pesticide applicators for a Category 8, Public Health Pest Control, certification test given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

Cover art for publication M90

Agricultural Animal Pest Control (Category 1B)

Reviewed $25

This prepares pesticide applicators for a Category 1B, Agricultural Animal Pest Control, certification test given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

MX327 thumbnail and cover image

Soil Fumigation Manual (Category 12 Commercial, Category 21 Private)

Revised $45

This manual covers the basic information about fumigating soils.

Cover art for publication MX328

National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual

Revised $50

This is the core manual for Missouri's Pesticide Applicator Training Program. This program prepares commercial pesticide applicators for certification tests given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

Cover art for publication M101

Wood Preservation (Category 11)

Reviewed $25

This manual prepares pesticide applicators for a Category 11, Wood Products Pest Control, certification test given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

Displaying 1 - 25 of 2485