Let's Read About Healthy Eating — Newsletter for Pre-kindergarten Curriculum Lesson 11: Fruits (Bundle of 25)
Reviewed $12
Editor's note
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Managing Ponds and Lakes for Aquaculture and Fisheries in Missouri: Controlling Nuisance Aquatic Vegetation
Learn to identify and control nuisance aquatic vegetation in Missouri ponds and lakes, ensuring optimal conditions for aquaculture and fisheries.

Non-soil Agricultural Fumigation Manual for Private Applicators
Revised $11
This manual covers the basic information about fumigating grain bins to protect stored feed and grains.

Eating From the Garden: Gardening for Kids Promo (Bundle of 25)
New $10
This flier is for promoting the Eating From the Garden program.

Promoting Produce: Cucumbers Handout (Bundle of 25)
New $10
This handout provides information regarding cucumbers in your diet.

Promoting Produce - Watermelon Handout (Bundle of 25)
New $10
This handout provides information regarding watermelon in your diet.

FNEP promotional flyer (3.67-by-8 inches) (Bundle of 27)
Editor’s note
This item is available for University of Missouri Extension internal orders only.
For more information, contact extpubs@missouri.edu

Promoting Produce: Spinach Handout (Bundle of 25)
New $10
This handout provides information regarding spinach in your diet.

FNEP promotional flyer (3.67-by-8 inches) (Spanish) (Bundle of 27)
This is the Spanish version of a two-sided promotional rack card for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) classes.

Promoting Produce: Sweet Potatoes Handout (Bundle of 25)
New $10
This handout provides information regarding sweet potatoes in your diet.

Interpretation of Laboratory Analysis of Biosolids Samples
Biosolids are useful for land application. Examples of beneficial use include application to agricultural land and reclamation sites (e.g., mining sites).

Activity and Movement of Plant Nutrients and Other Trace Substances
Biosolids are a product of the municipal wastewater treatment process. Typically, biosolids contain minerals and organic matter that can be beneficial to agricultural land.

Basics of AI: Avian Influenza

Prevention of Poultry Disease
An adequate disease prevention program is essential to a profitable commercial poultry operation. Chronic diseases can reduce efficiency and increase costs. Learn the sources of poultry diseases and measures that can be taken to prevent them.

Control of Poultry Disease Outbreaks
Poultry owners should immediately begin an investigation if a disease is suspected in a flock. Obvious disease signs and symptoms can be identified on the farm, while others may require laboratory assistance for proper diagnosis.

Biosolids Standards for Pathogens and Vectors
Biosolids is domestic wastewater sludge that meets standards for use as a fertilizer or soil conditioner. Biosolids standards include limitations for metal and other compounds, pathogen reduction, vector requirements and best management practices.

Cotton Seedling Diseases: Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
What are cotton seedling diseases and what causes them?