Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 03


Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.)

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 06


Prairiegrass (Bromus wildenowii Kunth)

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 09


Smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss.)

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 12


Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.)

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 32


References consulted during the development of this publication.

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 15


Crabgrass (Digitaria spp.)

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 18


Old World bluestems, e.g., Caucasian bluestem (Bothriochloa bladhii (Retz.) S.T. Blake)

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage


Dairy grazing publication series

This publication is one in a series about operating and managing a pasture-based dairy. Although these publications often refer to conditions in Missouri, many of the principles and concepts described may apply to operations throughout the United States.

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 21


Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.)

Dairy Grazing: Selecting the Right Forage, Page 24


Annual lespedeza (Kummerowia striata and K. stipulacea)

Food Safety Handout (Bundle of 25)

Revised $12

Get tips for the safe handling of food to prevent illness. This handout includes steps for proper food handling from cleaning to separating to cooking to chilling foods.

The Facts on Fat Poster

Revised $33

This poster explains how much dietary fat is recommended daily and provides a list of foods with healthy fats. It also discusses saturated fat and provides tips on limiting it.

Understanding Food Labels Handout (Bundle of 25)

Revised $12

Learn to interpret the information shared on a food label. This handout discusses nutrients, percent daily value, serving information, and the ingredients list.

Family Meals Poster

Revised $33

Get tips for putting a healthy meal on the table in a short time, ideas for stocking the kitchen with quick-meal menu items, and involving children in meal preparation.



Grafting is the act of joining two plants together and is a way to change a large tree from an old to a new variety. Visit our site to learn more.



Reviewed by David Trinklein
Horticulture State Extension Specialist
Division of Plant Sciences & Technology

Budding is a method of grafting in which the scion (upper portion of the graft) is a single bud rather than a piece of stem or twig. Many of the same conditions and materials used for other forms of grafting also apply to budding

Northern Missouri Research, Extension and Education Center, Field Day Annual Report 2022


Gurpreet Kaur
Assistant Research Professor, School of Natural Resources

Kelly A. Nelson
Professor, Plant Sciences

Gurbir Singh
Assistant Professor, Plant Sciences

Burgundy Black Truffle Cultivation in an Agroforestry Practice


Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is intended for distribution as a downloadable PDF.

Gardening in the Shade


Many gardeners view shade as a challenging situation for growing plants. While some plants do not grow well in low light, numerous others thrive under these conditions. The key is to discover which ones are adapted to the conditions in your yard or garden.

Gardening in the Shade, Page 04


Learn about these shade-tolerant evergreens: American holly; Canada hemlock; Drooping leucothoe, Fetterbush; Japanese holly; Japanese pieris; Leatherleaf viburnum; Littleleaf boxwood; Oregon grapeholly; Rhododendron; Spreading euonymus; and Yew.

Food Safety Poster

Revised $33

Get tips on the safe handling of food to prevent illness. This poster includes steps for proper food handling from cleaning to separating to cooking to chilling foods.

Gardening in the Shade, Page 07


Learn about these shade-tolerant perennial flowers: Astilbe, False Spirea; Balloon flower; Bellflower, Campanula; Bergenia, Pigsqueak; Bleedingheart; Bugloss; Cardinal flower; Christmas fern; Coral bells, Alumroot; Cranesbill, Geranium; Hardy ageratum, Blue mist flower; Hosta, Plantain lily; Lady fern; Lady’s mantle; Ostrich fern; Toad lily; and Turtlehead.

Growing Black Walnut for Nut Production: Orchard Establishment and Early Management


Eastern black walnut trees (Juglans nigra) produce high-valued hardwood products and distinctively flavored, highly nutritious, edible kernels.

Gardening in the Shade, Page 02


Learn about these shade-tolerant annual flowers: Ageratum, Flossflower; Begonia, tuberous; Begonia, wax leaf; Browallia; Coleus; Flowering tobacco; Foxglove; Impatiens; Lobelia; Pansy; and Wishbone flower.

Gardening in the Shade, Page 05


Learn about these shade-tolerant grasses: Bottlebrush grass; Hakonegrass; Maiden grass, Silver grass; Sedge; Soft rush; Tufted hairgrass; and Woodrush.

Displaying 551 - 575 of 2484