The following publications cover topics related to Pesticide Applicator Training. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.

Termite Pest Control (Category 7B)


This manual covers identification and control of termites and wood-destroying species of beetles, ants and bees. It prepares pesticide applicators for a Category 7B, Wood-Destroying Pest Management, certification test given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

Aquatic Pest Control (Category 5)


This manual is part of Missouri's Pesticide Applicator Training Program. It prepares pesticide applicators for a Category 5, Aquatic Pest Control, certification test given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

Ornamental and Turf Pest Control (Category 3)


This manual is part of Missouri's Pesticide Applicator Training Program. It prepares pesticide applicators for a Category 3, Ornamental and Turf Pest Control, certification test given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

Agricultural Plant Pest Control (Category 1A)


This manual is part of Missouri's Pesticide Applicator Training Program. It prepares pesticide applicators for a Category 1A, Agricultural Plant Pest Control, certification test given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

Pesticide Dealers


This manual is part of Missouri's Pesticide Applicator Training Program. It provides assistance in passing an examination required to obtain a Missouri Pesticide Dealer license from the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

Updates to Missouri's Private Pesticide Applicator Manual


Learn about the changes reflected in the 2022 update to Missouri's Private Applicator Reference Manual.

Pesticide Applicator Training Manuals: Ordering Information


Missouri commercial pesticide applicators, order your pesticide applicator training manuals here to enhance your training and study for certification exams. Stay up-to-date on environmentally sound uses of pesticides.

General Structural Pest Control (Category 7A)

Revised $30

Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available for purchase.

Right-of-Way Pest Control (Category 6)

Revised $25

Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available for purchase.

Demonstration and Research Pest Control (Category 10)

Revised $15

Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available for purchase.

National Pesticide Applicator Certification Core Manual

Revised $35

Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available for purchase.

Forest Pest Control (Category 2)

Reviewed $15

Editor's note

Wood Preservation (Category 11)

New $15

Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available for purchase.

James Pastoret
School of Natural Resources

General Ag - Private Pesticide Applicator Reference Manual (Category 20)

New $25

Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available for purchase.

Published by MU Extension in cooperation with the Environmental Protection Agency

Agricultural Animal Pest Control (Category 1B)

Reviewed $15

Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available for purchase.

Extension Pesticide Training Team

Fumigation Pest Control (Category 7C)

Reviewed $15

Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available for purchase.

Iowa State University

Public Health Pest Control (Category 8)

Reviewed $15

Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available for purchase.

Flernoy Jones and Robert D. Hall
Department of Entomology

Fred Unnewehr and F.T. Satalowich
Missouri State Department of Health

Seed Treatment Pest Control (Category 4)

Revised $15

Missouri pesticide applicators, prepare for the Category 4, Seed Treatment Pest Control, certification test given by the Missouri Department of Agriculture with the help of this manual from University of Missouri Extension.

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