Pesticide Applicator Training
Commercial pesticide applicator training (CPAT)
Pesticide applicator training helps reduce the harmful effects of improper pesticide use. The University of Missouri Extension Commercial Pesticide Program provides educational outreach for individuals who wish to become licensed commercial pesticide applicators. Licensed applicators must pass an exam and participate in continuing education courses on environmentally sound uses of pesticides.
Private pesticide applicator training (PPAT)
If you engage in the application of a restricted-use pesticide for the purposes of producing an agricultural commodity on property you or your employer owns, or rent without compensation other than trading of personal services between producers of agricultural commodities you are considered a private applicator. For more information on pesticide application requirements please refer to the Missouri Pesticide Use Act. The Private Pesticide Applicator Program reaches into each of Missouri’s 114 counties to train farmers and landowners who produce an agricultural commodity on the safe and proper use of pesticides.
NEW recertification requirements
Commercial Applicators, Noncommercial Applicators, Public Operators and Pesticide Technicians must recertify/retrain in the CORE plus ALL licensed categories (instead of the most-used category) by the recertification/retraining date listed on their license. Recertification through examination will still require the CORE exam plus all licensed category exams.
Missouri Department of Agriculture (MDA) exam information
Learn more about the State of Missouri pesticide examination process. Find the date, time and locations for the State of Missouri Pesticide Examination schedule and find out more about the manuals and documentation needed for specific exams.