Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available for purchase.
This manual was prepared for use in U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Pesticide Applicator Training Programs and is intended to provide the information needed to meet the minimum EPA standards for certification of commercial applicators under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act. It also prepares trainees for an examination, based on this manual, administered by state departments of agriculture. It is intended for use as a supplement to the Pesticide Applicator Training core manual in your state.
This manual does not provide all of the information you need for safe and effective use of pesticides. Examine the label for each pesticide you use. Labels must list directions, precautions and health information — all of which are updated regularly when a pesticide is registered for use. If information on a current pesticide label conflicts with information in this manual, follow the label. Manufacturers will supply additional information about products registered for use in your state.
Pesticide Applicator Training Programs are cooperative efforts. State departments of agriculture are the state lead agencies. State Extension programs are responsible for the content of the training. The EPA and state departments of conservation, health, natural resources, and transportation also contribute to the development of educational materials and participate in the training program.
MU pesticide applicator training
State of Missouri pesticide examination schedule
- Pesticide applicator certification
- Commercial license
- Types of forests
- Nurseries and seed production
- Pests
- Cyclic pest occurrence
- Population dynamics
- Nontarget vulnerability and protection
- Specialized equipment
- Application methods
- Phytotoxicity
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