The following publications cover topics related to MU Fire and Rescue Training Institute (FRTI). For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.
Fire and Life Safety Educator, Third Edition Manual
New $75 to $85
Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is available for purchase in print or as an e-book.
Fire Investigator, Second Edition Manual
New $70 to $80
This manual is designed to provide fire investigators with the resources necessary to meet the job performance requirements for fire investigators outlined in NFPA 1033. Arson investigators, private and public fire investigators, officers responsible for origin and cause determination, and students training to become investigators will find this manual to be an essential resource.
Progressive Leadership Principles, Concepts, and Tools, First Edition Manual
New $57
This manual focuses on supervisory, leadership, and management needs important to the success of fire officers of all ranks, and within all types of departments. Its purpose is to provide leaders with information, skills, and behaviors they will need to navigate challenges and excel in their positions.
Marine Fire Fighting for Land-Based Firefighters, Second Edition Manual E-book
New $74
This manual prepares firefighters and emergency responders to meet the Marine Fire Fighter I and Marine Fire Fighter II training and certification requirements of NFPA 1005 – 2007 Edition. It provides the training, knowledge, technical information, and reference materials necessary for the safe and effective management of marine fire incidents; describes the roles and responsibilities of the vessel's crew, emergency responders, and other agencies; and details the concept and implementation of a unified commander structure within an incident management system.
Fire Investigator, Second Edition Curriculum
New $90
These instructor materials include the Fire Investigator, Second Edition curriculum and manual. The curriculum includes outlines and PowerPoint presentations for every chapter, as well as numerous learning activities. It is an effective teaching tool to prepare students to certify to NFPA 1033, Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator.
Structural Fire Fighting: Truck Company Skills and Tactics, Second Edition Manual
New $70 to $85
Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is available for purchase in print or as an e-book.
If needed, see the MU Fire and Rescue Training Institute for instructions.
![Extension logo](/themes/custom/dev_extension_pubs/img/logos/MUEXTBlank_default_portrait_320x352.jpg)
Fire Prevention Applications for Company Officers, First Edition Manual
New $75 to $85
This text blends current and timely philosophical aspects of fire prevention and mitigation with technical inspection details to help a full-time or volunteer officer in accomplishing basic level inspections in a variety of occupancies. I
Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting, Fifth Edition Manual E-book
New $65
Editor’s note
The following abstract describes a publication that is available for purchase as an e-book.
To order publications for a tax-exempt organization, contact for instructions.
The Mental Aspects of Performance for Firefighters and Fire Officers (The M.A.P.), Second Edition Manual
New $56
This book helps firefighters and fire officers learn about specific keys to successful performance, goal setting, situation-evaluation training, mental discipline, sensory-enhancement education, and more. It is full of information, skills, exercises, and tools designed to help develop and maintain the psychological and emotional muscles required to sustain long and successful careers.