Board of Trustees
The Missouri 4-H Foundation Board of Trustees is a group of business and community leaders from across the state. These dedicated volunteers lead the effort to give focus and vision to the Missouri 4-H Foundation, support projects, and represent the Missouri 4-H Foundation in their communities. Through their dedication, they ensure that Missouri 4-H continues to meet the evolving needs of Missouri's youth.
Earl Niemeyer, Pike County
Baylee Asbury, Moniteau County | David Baker, Boone County |
Kelli Jo Buettner, Callaway County | Jenise Burch, Vernon County |
Mark Cadle, Worth County | Samantha Davis, Monroe County |
Lupita Fabregas, Boone County | Clark Fobian, D.V.M., Pettis County |
Mark Goth, St. Charles County | Wendy Hall, Clay County |
Dana Haynes, St. Charles County | Joan Hickman, Buchanan County |
Chadwick Higgins, Boone County | Kyle Kerns, St. Louis County |
Doug Kueker, Jackson County | Wendy Loges, Saline County |
Laura Long, Monroe County | Brad McCord, Moniteau County |
Don Nikodim, Boone County | Ruth Pirch, Jackson County |
Earl Niemeyer, Pike County | Travis Scott, Boone County |
Christine Tew, Cole County | Ernie Verslues, Boone County |
Eric Volmer, Cole County |
MAE4-HYW Representatives
Emily Bergsieker, Lafayette County
Tanner Adkins, Franklin and Gasconade County
State 4-H Council Representatives
Gracen James, Cape Girardeau County
Taylor Muench, Cape Girardeau County
Emeritus Trustees
Lynn K. Ballew, Cass County | Mary Davis, Clay County |
Anne Deaton, Ed.D., Boone County | Robert "Bob" Fridley, St. Charles County |
Gale Hankins, Cass County | Konrad Heid, Jasper County |
Don Henderson, Camden County | Robert E. "Bud" Hertzog, D.V.M., Jackson County |
Charles Hunt, Jefferson County | Robert “Bob” Idel, Gasconade County |
Pat Koenigsfeld, Osage County | Dale R. Ludwig, Osage County |
Linda J. Scorse, D.V.M., Newton County | Diane Olson, Cole County |
Jim Tobin, St. Louis County | George Thomas, Boone County |
Leroy Van Dyke, Pettis County | Marla J. Tobin, M.D., Johnson County |