The following publications cover topics related to Growing Agribusiness Sustainably. For a complete list of MU Extension publications, visit the main Publications page.

Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers


Check out this annual guide for a summary of currently suggested vegetable varieties, seeding rates, fertilizer rates, weed control, insect control, and disease control measures for commercial growers.

Characteristics of Missouri’s Food, Agriculture and Forestry Workforce


Learn about employment, wage and training trends in Missouri's food, agriculture and forestry workforce. Plus, see what it will take to fill jobs in these industries.

Starting a 600-Cow Intensive Rotational Grazing Dairy


Examine financial feasibility of starting a 600-cow intensive rotational grazing Missouri dairy using capital investment assumptions, budget and income and cash flow statements.

Starting a 300-Cow Intensive Rotational Grazing Dairy


Examine costs and returns for starting a 300-cow intensive rotational grazing Missouri dairy using capital investment assumptions and financial statements.

Starting a 150-Cow Intensive Rotational Grazing Dairy


Examine costs and returns for starting a 150-cow intensive rotational grazing Missouri dairy using capital investment assumptions and financial statements.

Dairy Grazing: Economics of Pasture-Based Dairies


Keeping records and tracking cost and production benchmarks can help you gauge a grazing dairy's financial performance. Read about pasture dairy performance indicators in this MU Extension guide.

Dairy Grazing: Keys to Building a Profitable Pasture-Based Dairy


Discover four characteristics of profitable pasture-based dairies: system design, focused investments, cost control and careful approach to financial leverage.

Could Online Sales Be a Direct Marketing Opportunity for Rural Farms?


Discover how a transition to online marketplaces for farms selling produce directly to consumers could help them compete with retailers. Learn why this is more cost effective for farms and time saving for consumers in our guide.

Herd Health Programs for Swine Seedstock Production


Roderick C. Tubbs
Swine veterinarian
Commercial Agriculture Program

This guide outlines good health practices for a seedstock swine herd. Preventive practices are emphasized. Specifics vary from herd to herd and are too individualized to address in this guide. Specifics should be worked out with the herd's veterinarian.

Sunflowers: A Versatile Native Crop


Sunflowers are an amazingly versatile crop with a fascinating history. Visit our site to view our Sunflowers: A Versatile Native Crop article.

The System Concept of Beef Production: BIF Fact Sheet


The systems concept of beef production incorporates an awareness that there is more to consider in a beef cattle enterprise than simply the level of production. What is most important is the overall efficiency of the enterprise.

Vegetable Harvest and Storage


Reviewed by David H. Trinklein
Division of Plant Sciences

Timely harvest and proper storage help maintain the quality and freshness of garden vegetables. This publication describes how and when to harvest vegetables; special harvest preparations and storage requirements; and appropriate length and kinds of storage.

Fresh Market Tomatoes


David H. Trinklein
Horticulture State Specialist
Division of Plant Sciences

The demand for locally-grown, vine-ripened tomatoes remains strong in Missouri. If you can produce high yields of good-quality tomatoes, the opportunity exists for you to make a reasonable return on your investment.

Watering and Fertilizing Tomatoes in a High Tunnel


Reviewed by David H. Trinklein
Division of Plant Sciences

Dairy Grazing: Milk Quality


John Middleton
College of Veterinary Medicine

Scott Poock
Extension Associate Professor
College of Veterinary Medicine

Growing Sweet Peppers in Missouri


From transplanting and field establishment to harvesting and marketing, learn how to grow sweet peppers in Missouri. Fertilization, irrigation, pest management and high-tunnel production are also covered in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

Growing Sweet Corn in Missouri


Sweet corn is a popular summer vegetable crop in Missouri that grows well in a wide range of soils. Learn what sweet corn varieties perform well in Missouri; how to fertilize, water and harvest it; and more in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

Eggplant Production


Learn how to grow eggplant. Cultivar selection, planting, fertilizing, staking, harvesting and insect pest management are all covered in this University of Missouri Extension guide.

Home Slaughtering and Processing of Beef


A beef animal selected for slaughter should be healthy and in thrifty condition. Visit our site to learn about home slaughtering and processing of beef.

Recommendations for Aging Beef


The main reason for aging beef is to improve the tenderness and the flavor of the meat. Visit our site for recommendations for aging beef.

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