COVID-19 Vaccine Information

Learn the facts about the vaccines and how Missouri will distribute them.

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According to MU Extension Nursing Specialist Lynelle Phillips, it is essential to take care of our health during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Protecting communities against the flu and COVID-19 helps save limited medical resources. It also keeps individuals out of the hospital so they can be at home instead safe and healthy with their loved ones.

Practicing social distancing, wearing a mask, and remembering to wash your hands frequently are great starts to staying safe amidst flu season and COVID-19. In addition, Nurse Phillips recommends individuals strongly consider getting their flu and COVID-19 vaccines to ensure they remain well in unprecedented times.

Other Vaccine information

Use this vaccine resources site to understand the importance of the flu and COVID-19 vaccines to stay healthy and keep the ones you love safe. If you have any questions, please contact Lynelle Phillips at

Helpful resources

Social Media and Promotional Materials

Illustration of people using social media
Social Media Toolkit (PDF)

Image of flu vaccination contacts template
Flu Vaccination Info & Contacts templates (PPT)

CDC infographic - Get Vaccinated
Get Vaccinated (GIF)

CDC infographic - A Flu Vaccine can take flu from WILD to mild
A Flu Vaccine can take flu from WILD to mild (JPG)

CDC poster - Fight Flu
Fight Flu poster (PDF)

CDC print - No More Excuses
No More Excuses print (PDF)

Social Media and Promotional Materials - Spanish options

Illustration of people using social media
Social Media Toolkit Traducido (PDF)

Graphic for Usa Tapa Bocas Lavate Las Manos Remangate (Tips for staying healthy)
Usa Tapa Bocas Lavate Las Manos Remangate (JPG)

Graphic for Su trabajo es esencial (Tips for essential workers)
Su trabajo es esencial (JPG)

Graphic for Usted y su familia deben vacunarse (Get your family vaccinated)
Usted y su familia deben vacunarse (JPG)

Graphic for Realidades de la vacuna contra la gripe (Flu vaccine myths)
Realidades de la vacuna contra la gripe (JPG) or Handout (PDF)