

Linda Geist
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    Native Warm Season Grass Seed Workshop
    MU Extension hosts a workshop on native warm-season grass seed production at the MU Wurdack Extension and Education Center on Oct. 25.

COOK STATION, Mo. – University of Missouri Extension offers an opportunity to learn about native warm-season grass seed production at a workshop at the MU Wurdack Extension and Education Center on Oct. 25.

MU Extension agricultural business specialist Rachel Hopkins says forage producers can learn from field demonstrations on harvesting and seed cleaning at the one-day event. The workshop also will cover regulations, testing, harvesting methods and financial tracking.

“Over the past 50-60 years, agricultural operations have become focused on growing one or two commodities and are then exposed to market volatility,” says Hopkins. “By having the option to sell native seed, farms can have better financial stability and flexibility. If for a couple years, seed income isn’t needed, the grass can be pastured instead. Growing native seed can also be a good option for landowners who need return off the land but are more wildlife-focused.”

The workshop runs 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the MU Wurdack Extension and Education Center, 164 Bales Road, Cook Station. Register by Oct. 21 at, or call 573-438-2671 for more information. Lunch is provided.