Helpful resources for agriculture in Webster County
Agricultural Software Directory — This directory lists all known agricultural software packages that are distributed in North America.
Farm Lease Forms — Ag Lease 101 for both land owners and operators from the North Central Extension Farm Management Committee
Value-Added Agriculture Marketing Resource Center — This national information resource for value-added agriculture is hosted by Iowa State University and has general and commodity-specific information on value-added businesses, marketing opportunities, and access to consultants. Call toll-free 1-866-277-5567.
These resources for Missouri Fence and Boundary laws and other information are for educational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice.
Department of Agriculture or call Jefferson City, Mo. at 573-751-4211
Department of Conservation or call the regional MDC office in Springfield, Mo. at 417-895-6880 or call the local MDC conservation agent, Jerry Austin, at 417-839-0258
Department of Natural Resourcesor call toll-free 1-800-361-4827
DNR's Publications Online — Access to 600 free publications
Department of Revenue — Download state tax forms for current and past years
Department of Transportation or call 1-888-ASK-MoDOT (1-888-275-6636)
Highway Hauling Permits — Covers hauling regulations and permitting, or call 1-866-831-6277
USDA's Agricultural Statistics — Annual information from 1936 to the present
Anthrax — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Breeds of Livestock — A collection from Oklahoma State University of breed information on cattle, horses, goats, sheep, swine, etc.,
Red Book (PDF) — A pocket handbook from the National Cattlemen's Beef Association to keep better records on your cow herd
Cattle recordkeeping software — Free Microsoft Excel worksheet from National Cattlemen's Beef Association to enter your cattle records
Feed Composition Tables — Sortable chart of 280 commonly used cattle feedstuffs (How to use the chart to mix cattle rations)
Missouri Brand Book — Search for livestock brands used in Missouri
Missouri Grazing Wedge — A key tool for managing feed on a pasture based dairy farm, it visually represents the quality and quantity of forage dry matter available both now and during the next round of grazing
Sheep Resources from Land-Grant Universities — eXtension
Electric Fencing for Serious Graziers (PDF) — USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Watering Systems for Serious Graziers (PDF) — USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
Ag Connection — Your local link to MU for ag extension and research information.
MU Plant Diagnostic Clinic — Submit plant, insect or weed specimens via U.S. mail or online digital images
MU Soil & Plant Testing Laboratory — Services, fees and online results for soil and plant samples
Kansas Wildflowers and Grasses — Information on 570 species of forbs, grasses, sedges, rushes, and woody plants found growing in Kansas
Missouri Plants — Commercial site with photos and descriptions of flowering and non-flowering plants of Missouri
Nuisance Aquatic Plant ID — Recommendations and identification photos from the Missouri Department of Conservation
Plant Image Gallery — Online plant photo collection maintained by the Noble Foundation of Ardmore, Okla.
Weed ID Guide — University of Missouri site helps identify common weeds of field crops, pastures, ornamentals and turfgrass
Midwest Weeds — Missouri State University site covers common turfgrass, crop, garden, pasture, range, roadside, aquatic and wetland weeds and plants
Algae Control in Stock Tanks and Ponds (PDF) — University of Missouri Extension
Aquatic Plant Management — Aquatic weed control guide from Dr. Carole Lembi at Purdue University
Aquatic Vegetation Management — Missouri Department of Conservation
Chemical Labels and MSDSs — Site by CDMS has searchable list of chemical manufacturers and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs)
MDA's Pesticide Program or call Jefferson City, Mo. at 573-751-5504
Pesticide Licenses — Missouri Department of Agriculture covers private and commercial categories, exam dates, regulations and emergency information
Noxious Weed Control — Missouri Department of Agriculture site links to noxious weed law and weed identification tools
Poisonous plants
Guide to Toxic Plants in Forages (PDF) — Purdue University; each entry includes a photo, a description that includes symptoms livestock may experience from eating the plant, and some control measures.
Nitrate and Prussic Acid Toxicity in Forages (PDF) — Kansas State University
Prussic Acid (PDF) — University of Arkansas; precautions to take when certain forage plants are under stress
Nitrate Toxicity in Livestock (PDF) — Oklahoma State University
Nitrate Poisoning in Cattle (PDF) — University of Arkansas
MU Extension publication G9811, Qualitative Nitrate Detection for Toxicity Potential — explains how to prepare the solution and run the test in the video below
Nitrate testing procedure (YouTube video) — University of Missouri Extension (we do this test in our office at no charge)
Poisonous Plants Informational Database — Cornell University; view plants by common name or scientific name
Common Poisonous Plants and Plant Parts — Texas A&M University; covers house plants, garden plants, ornamentals, trees and shrubs
Toxic Plants of Texas Rangeland — Texas A&M; view plants by common name or scientific name
Poisonous Plants — North Carolina State University Extension
Guide to Poisonous Plants — Colorado State University; searchable database and ordering information for books on poisonous plants
Canadian Poisonous Plants Information System — Canadian Biodiversity Information Facility; site lets you view plants by common name or scientific name and includes links to other poisonous plant websites.
Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA) Pet Care — Site includes a list of plants toxic to pets and a fee-based 24/7 animal poison-related emergency hotline.
Poisonous Plants in Pastures — University of Florida; slide set also includes downloadable PDF and PowerPoint files.
Record keeping
Weed wipers
Listed below are sources of information both old and new for making wick applicators for wipe-on weed control. The typical rope wick will contain a solution of 1 part 41% glyphosate and 2 parts water in a PVC pipe reservoir. The solution is then wicked out through a nylon rope or carpet that can be wiped onto weeds.
Archived - MU Extension publication G4920, Rope Wick Applicators (PDF)
Rope Wick Herbicide Applicator (PDF) (see Figure 1 on page 7) — University of Kentucky
Wick broom plan 6208A — Mississippi State University
Wick broom plan 6208B — Mississippi State University
Wick broom plan 6208C — Mississippi State University
Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management — A non-profit, grant-funded site that provides research-based information on how to responsibly handle wildlife damage problems