Plant Diagnostic Clinic

The University of Missouri Plant Diagnostic Clinic (PDC) has been serving Missouri since 1965. We assist county extension Specialists, commercial businesses, private farmers and growers and homeowners with their plant health problems. The PDC is capable of plant disease diagnosis and identification of unknown plants and insects (including arachnids). Besides clinic staff, a diverse group of Plant Sciences faculties specializing in agronomy, entomology, horticulture, and plant pathology assist with identification of pests as needed. The clinic is open year round to receive samples.


Remote video URL
Watch MU Plant Diagnostic Clinic Sample Submission Instructions on YouTube.

Plant Diagnostic Clinic Submission Instructions

Peng Tian, the director of the University of Missouri Plant Diagnostic Clinic (MU PDC), and Mizzou alumna, Morgan Goodnight, present instructions on how to prepare the plant sample and use the online resources to submit sample information.

The PDC does not test plant nutrient levels, soil characteristics or identify nematodes. Samples submitted to the clinic requiring these tests can be forwarded to the respective labs, at your discretion, additional fees will apply.

Donate to the Plant Diagnostic Clinic.

Thank you for helping to support the Plant Diagnostic Clinic fund. 

1100 University Ave.
28 Mumford Hall
Columbia, MO 65201