Cooking Matters®
Recognized by the USDA as a top nutrition education program, Cooking Matters teaches participants how to shop for and prepare healthy, affordable and delicious meals. With five distinct curricula focused on different ages of the population, Cooking Matters engages individuals in hands-on nutrition and culinary activities. Each Cooking Matters course meets weekly for 6 weeks. Learn more from the MU Extension Cooking Matters website.
Cooking Matters at the Store®
Based upon the Cooking Matters program described above, Cooking Matters at the Store engages participants in an interactive grocery store tour teaching them how to include more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins into their carts. Learn more from the MU Extension Cooking Matters website.
Food Preservation
The goal of this program is to provide participants with a solid foundation in home canning and preserving. Through hands-on classes, participants learn how to make jellies/jams, pickled vegetables and salsas, and learn proper pressure and boiling-water canning processes. Classes can be offered as a one-time class focused on one of the techniques listed above or you can schedule a food preservation course made up of 5 distinct lessons. Learn more from the MU Extension Food Preservation website.
Stay Strong, Stay Healthy Level 1 and 2
A strength training class for older adults. Participants participate in twice-weekly exercise sessions for 8 weeks building muscle and strength through the completion of 8 basic exercises. There is an advanced version for groups who have completed and mastered the original Stay Strong, Stay Healthy exercises. Learn more from the MU Extension Stay Strong, Stay Healthy website.
Taking Care of You
In MU Extension's Taking Care of You class, you can learn techniques to help you reduce stress and improve lifestyle behaviors. The class teaches concepts and practical strategies to incorporate into your everyday life to better deal with life’s challenges. Learn more from the MU Extension Taking Care of You website.
Chronic Disease Self-Management
The Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) is a community-based program that assists participants in maintaining quality of life when faced with chronic medical conditions. The CDSMP is provided in 2.5-hour sessions once a week for six weeks. Learn more about CDSMP and related courses from the MU Extension Living a Healthy Life with Chronic Conditions website.
A Matter of Balance
A Matter of Balance is an award-winning program designed to reduce the fear of falling and increase the activity levels of older adults who have concerns about falls. The program consists of eight, two-hour sessions. The sessions help participants learn how to view falls and the fear of falling as something controllable. There will also be information on how to set realistic goals for increasing activity, as well as how to change their environment to reduce fall risk factors. In general, the program promotes exercise to increase strength and balance to help reduce the risk of falls in older adults. Learn more from the MU Extension A Matter of Balance website.