The Mental Aspects of Performance for Firefighters and Fire Officers (The M.A.P.), Second Edition Manual
New $56
This book helps firefighters and fire officers learn about specific keys to successful performance, goal setting, situation-evaluation training, mental discipline, sensory-enhancement education, and more. It is full of information, skills, exercises, and tools designed to help develop and maintain the psychological and emotional muscles required to sustain long and successful careers.
Management of Soft Red Winter Wheat
Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as downloadable PDFs by section.
Occasional Biting Pests
There are several species of insects and mites that bite human occasionally. Some are encountered indoors while others are found outdoors. Some are specific pests of humans, with no other hosts, while others attack humans incidentally. These insects and mites vary in their biology, behavior and methods of control.
Splints in Horses
Most people who own or breed horses are familiar with the cannon bone of the horse limb. On each side of the cannon bone is a small bone known as the splint bone. The small splint bones are thin and taper to become a small knob about two-thirds of the way down the cannon bone (Figure 1).
Economic Considerations for Beef Manure Management Systems, Page 2
Example 1 shows how to determine the value of manure nutrients used by 150 bushels per acre corn (based on soil test).
Selecting Landscape Plants: Needled Evergreens
Needled evergreens are planted primarily because of their evergreen foliage. Visit our site for our Selecting Landscape Plants: Needled Evergreens resource.
Economic Considerations for Beef Manure Management Systems, Page 3
Example 2 shows how to determine the value of manure nutrients used by 2 tons per acre fescue hay (based on soil test).
Economic Considerations for Beef Manure Management Systems, Page 4
Tables 1 through 29 detail many topics of consideration when selecting a beef manure management system.
Feeding Horses
In balancing rations for horses, the goals are to furnish horses with a daily supply of nutrients in the correct amounts to prevent digestive upsets and to use feedstuffs that are palatable, easily obtained and economical.
Economic Considerations for Beef Manure Management Systems
Manure can be a valuable resource in a crop production system. Most of the beef manure produced in Missouri is dropped on pastures. The purpose of this guide is to compare the economics of three systems for collecting, storing, and transporting beef manure from confined feeding operations and applying it to the land. The three systems are solid manure systems, slurry systems (with injection into the soil) and lagoon systems in which the effluent is applied using a traveling gun (and not incorporated).
Pesticides and the Environment
Once a pesticide is introduced into the environment, whether through an application, a disposal or a spill, it is influenced by many processes. These processes determine a pesticide's persistence and movement, if any, and its ultimate fate.
Carpenter Ants
Winged female
Cambio de Colores — Immigration of Latinos to Missouri
Cambio de Colores
Editor's note
The following abstract describes a publication that is only available as a downloadable PDF.
Raising Kind Children
Storing Food in the Freezer
Karla Hughes
Water-Efficient Gardening and Landscaping
Editor's note
Since this guide was printed and last reviewed, a note alerting readers to the invasive nature of amur honeysuckle has been added to this page.
Saddling, Bridling and Riding the Western Horse
Horse sports are very rewarding when safety practices are followed. But maintaining safe working conditions when handling horses cannot be overemphasized.